Telerik blogs
  • Productivity Testing

    How to Ensure You Are Doing Proper Acceptance Criteria Testing?

    The importance of requirements Requirements are the lifeblood of the project.  I need to establish first and foremost. Good, detailed requirements will carry the project team through to the end of a successful project more times than not.  And that’s a good thing because more projects actually fail than succeed.  However, weak or incomplete requirements will not – resulting in countless hours of rework, scope creep that can drive any project manager crazy trying to manage and maintain control over, and the potential for many change orders that will upset the most satisfied project customer quickly making them wish they had never brought their project needs to you in ...
    September 16, 2013
  • Productivity

    The Importance of Timeboxing and Iterations for Agile Planning

    (In this blog post we share the first two of the areas that we address in our new free ebook called Ultimate Agile Planning Handbook) Timebox – Everything Timeboxing refers to the act of putting strict time boundaries around an action or activity. For example, you may want to timebox a meeting to be 30 minutes long to help ensure that the meeting will begin and end on time with no exceptions. When you timebox an event the result is a natural tendency to focus on the most important “stuff” first. If you time box a meeting, you would ...
    September 11, 2013
  • Productivity

    Project Scope, Schedule, Resources – Pick Two

    In a perfect world we could have anything we want. And that goes with our professional perfect world as well. And in terms of project management, that would mean we could pick what we manage, when we manage, who we manage, what customers we manage projects for, how we manage, what processes we follow and to whom we report project information. Total freedom. As an independent consultant, you get some of those freedoms, but you are still accountable and if you think otherwise, then you’ll soon find yourself with lots of time on your hands and no clients to perform ...
    September 03, 2013
  • Productivity

    Improve Agile Project Planning by Involving the Whole Team

    Unlike traditionally run projects which are planned by an “expert,” Agile planning should be done with the entire team participating. Agile encourages group participation in all forms of planning and estimation. Instead of one person following a linear process of assessing requirements and project constraints, then producing a plan designed to drive schedule, budget, and resources to deliver the end project, the whole team is engaged.
    August 30, 2013
  • Productivity

    [Free Whitepaper] How Proper Tooling Can Help Scale Agile Faster?

    While many organizations start their Agile adoption initiatives with team rooms, whiteboards and sticky notes, organizations that are looking to mature and scale their Agile practices have found that they require an integrated solution to help. Keeping this in mind, we created a paper that talks about some of the most common issues we’ve noticed teams and organization face when they start scaling Agile. We also take a closer look on how the proper tool can help you deal with each of those aspects while focusing on What Does Scaling Agile Mean? and Scaling Agile in Realistic Environment. Download Whitepaper...
    August 26, 2013
  • Productivity Testing

    How to Ensure You Are Doing Proper Acceptance Criteria Testing?

    The importance of requirements Requirements are the lifeblood of the project.  I need to establish first and foremost. Good, detailed requirements will carry the project team through to the end of a successful project more times than not.  And that’s a good thing because more projects actually fail than succeed.  However, weak or incomplete requirements will not – resulting in countless hours of rework, scope creep that can drive any project manager crazy trying to manage and maintain control over, and the potential for many change orders that will upset the most satisfied project customer quickly making them wish they had never brought their project needs to you in ...
    September 16, 2013
  • Productivity

    The Importance of Timeboxing and Iterations for Agile Planning

    (In this blog post we share the first two of the areas that we address in our new free ebook called Ultimate Agile Planning Handbook) Timebox – Everything Timeboxing refers to the act of putting strict time boundaries around an action or activity. For example, you may want to timebox a meeting to be 30 minutes long to help ensure that the meeting will begin and end on time with no exceptions. When you timebox an event the result is a natural tendency to focus on the most important “stuff” first. If you time box a meeting, you would ...
    September 11, 2013
  • Productivity

    Project Scope, Schedule, Resources – Pick Two

    In a perfect world we could have anything we want. And that goes with our professional perfect world as well. And in terms of project management, that would mean we could pick what we manage, when we manage, who we manage, what customers we manage projects for, how we manage, what processes we follow and to whom we report project information. Total freedom. As an independent consultant, you get some of those freedoms, but you are still accountable and if you think otherwise, then you’ll soon find yourself with lots of time on your hands and no clients to perform ...
    September 03, 2013
  • Productivity

    Improve Agile Project Planning by Involving the Whole Team

    Unlike traditionally run projects which are planned by an “expert,” Agile planning should be done with the entire team participating. Agile encourages group participation in all forms of planning and estimation. Instead of one person following a linear process of assessing requirements and project constraints, then producing a plan designed to drive schedule, budget, and resources to deliver the end project, the whole team is engaged.
    August 30, 2013
  • Productivity

    [Free Whitepaper] How Proper Tooling Can Help Scale Agile Faster?

    While many organizations start their Agile adoption initiatives with team rooms, whiteboards and sticky notes, organizations that are looking to mature and scale their Agile practices have found that they require an integrated solution to help. Keeping this in mind, we created a paper that talks about some of the most common issues we’ve noticed teams and organization face when they start scaling Agile. We also take a closer look on how the proper tool can help you deal with each of those aspects while focusing on What Does Scaling Agile Mean? and Scaling Agile in Realistic Environment. Download Whitepaper...
    August 26, 2013