Well... I like paraphrasing and what has happened before will invariably happen again :)
The original phrase is of course Sumner Redstone's "Content is king".
But why change it to "Code is king"? Only because this is the content, we, the developers create? Or is it because code is important and we should put more stress on it as developers? Both reasons are valid, but I will focus on the importance of code quality.
There are a myriad of articles, blog posts, books, etc. about what defines “good code,” so I cannot add much to this topic.
In a few words, I can just say that bad code can turn in to grey goo for your application, eating it from the inside-out before you ever realize what's happening. If you're a developer who has never heard or listened to someone saying "We need to rewrite this", well... I envy you.
On the flip side, good code can make you a winner. Of course it's not the only required "ingredient" to write great software, but at least it provides a good foundation.
You may say "Hey you, the Telerik guys, you're the guys that know how to make UI stuff, what's this idle talk about good code, bad code...?!".
First, of course, you'd be wrong with the "UI stuff" statement. While we are experts in providing UI components for Microsoft platforms, we are increasingly providing more tools for .NET developers, starting with the first version of our Reporting tool and then strengthened by Telerik OpenAccess ORM and the Web Testing Tools.
Second, while you already depend on Telerik tools and components for productivity at the UI and data layers, don't you think that it would be great if we can somehow help you be more productive when you write code, freeing you to completely concentrate on the quality of your application? Don't you think it would be great if we can do it in such a way that we interfere as little as possible in your work and don't hinder your normal coding experience? Don't you think it would be great if we provide this productivity support fast and deliver something... "more than expected"?
I think it would be great.
If I were Vassil I would say "A new product from Telerik?! Oh, what could it be?".
As I have my own style I'll just remain silent...for now. :)
P.S. For more hints watch the following short video: