
Data Access is Discontinued

Learn about your alternatives to Data Access and the answers to frequently-asked questions.

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Data Access has been discontinued. We would like to thank all our loyal customers and fans and understand that this be an inconvenience to some of you and we strongly encourage you to go ahead and try out the great Microsoft Entity Framework.

Frequently-asked Questions

Why is Data Access Being Retired?

Developer needs are changing, and Microsoft is catching up with the demands of the developer industry with respect to data access. As a result, in June 2015, we announced our decision to stop developing the visual tooling of Telerik Data Access and continue investing solely in our powerful run-time features, code-only (fluent) mapping and NuGet deployment.

The time has come for us to discontinue offering Telerik DataAccess as a stand-alone product. Though, DataAccess will continue to be a major component of Sitefinity CMS and developers building on the Sitefinity Platform can get support through the Sitefinity support channels.

Our developer tools portfolio is focused on enhancing your productivity when using the most popular and rising development frameworks. We’ll continue to provide the best UI and productivity tools to help developers make the most out of the latest technologies and development best practices.

Staying true to our calling, we are increasing our investments in tooling around the latest technologies developers need. This includes .NET related products like UWP and Xamarin, our JavaScript offerings of Kendo UI for Angular 2 and the brand-new Kendo UI for React, to just name a few.

What Does This Mean to Me as a Customer?

As of 31stof October 2016, dedicated support for the product has been discontinued and there will be no new features or product updates. However, as DataAccess will continue to be an integral part of Sitefinity CMS and we will support developers using DataAccess in this context through the Sitefinity Support System.

I have questions, where can I address those to?

We’re ready and will do our best to answer any questions or comments you might have. Drop us a line here and we will reply to you as soon as possible.