Telerik blogs

Since the Q3 Beta Release of RadControls for Windows Phone, the cloud suite has a new member: RadCloudCalendar. This is a composite component which provides (so far) three different views: Calendar, Agenda and Appointment. These views resemble the native calendar experience from Windows Phone and provide appointment management options out of the box.

Here’s the code you need to add this component to a page in your Cloud Application:

<telerikCloud:RadCloudCalendar />

EverliveAppointmentSource everliveAppointmentSource = new EverliveAppointmentSource();

These 3 lines give you 3 views and everything that you need to create, update, delete and display appointments which are stored in the Cloud:

Here are the different views that RadCloudCalendar provides out of the box

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About the Author

Todor Petrov

Todor Petrov has been with Telerik since 2011, working on the Android and Windows Phone UI suites. He is passionate about technologies, movies and music.


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