Telerik blogs
  • Release

    Announcing Angular Kendo UI

    Today we announce the official release of Angular Kendo UI. A complete set of Kendo UI directives for AngularJS with integration at the core level.

    The ASP.NET MVC Game Genie

    UI for ASP.NET MVC unlocks a cornucopia of cheats and power ups for your MVC development.
  • People

    Post Google I/O Rundown

    That's a wrap for Google I/0 2013. Here are the highlights and all things Kendo UI at Google I/O.
  • Web jQuery

    jQuery Context Overload

    I'm sure most of you can relate to that feeling you get when you learn about something that you're pretty sure everyone else already knows about. Something fundamental. I remember when I learned that I could test for nullable integers in C# by using hasValue. Or when I first learned that you could use array notation in JavaScript to dynamically access properties and methods. Sometimes we don't talk about these things. We sort of just look around to make sure no one was watching when we were the last to find out.
  • Web

    Making A ListView Timeline

    The timeline has become a ubiquitous part of our user experience. It started with Facebook and Twitter, and now Pinterest and the Google+ interface have given us a new take on the same concept: display a list of items to the user. As they scroll down the page, add in the next batch of items. Sometimes those new items are added automatically (ala "endless scrolling"), and often there is a "push to load more" button, like in Instagram's new website.