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Rendering Changes in 7.0.0


  1. The view buttons in the toolbar are now fully rounded (k-rounded-md class is replaced with k-rounded-full). The same applies to the Generate button.
  2. The output view, which contains the <div class="k-card-list"> element, is now wrapped in a <div> element with class k-prompt-view.
  3. The copy button in the output view is now styled as primary.


  • The <div class="k-form"> elements in the popups of the CreateLink and InsertImage tools no longer render a k-form-horizontal class.
  • The ViewHtml tool popup no longer renders div.k-form, div.k-form-field, and div.k-form-field-wrap elements.
  • The <label class="k-form-label"> elements in the above three popups also render a k-label class.
  • The popup windows (<div class="k-window"> elements) for the CreateLink and InsertImage tools are 340px wide by default.
  • The popup window for the ViewHtml tool is 500px wide and 400px high by default.


  1. The k-gantt-content class is now applied to a <div> wrapper element that encloses the Gantt Splitter.
  2. The Splitter component class (k-splitter element) is now changed from k-grid-content to k-grid-splitter.
  3. The <div class="k-gantt-tables"> element no longer includes the k-user-select-none class.
  4. The <table class="k-gantt-rows"> element now also has a k-grid-table class.
  5. The <span class="k-spacer"> element in the toolbar no longer has the k-toolbar-spacer class.
  6. The <div class="k-gantt-views"> button group / select element is now wrapped in a <div> with class k-gantt-views-wrapper.
  1. The menu item elements (<span class="k-link">) no longer include the k-in class.
  2. The <ul class="k-menu-group"> element no longer includes the k-reset and k-group classes.


The id attribute of each PanelBar item (<li class="k-panelbar-item">) is changed from tree-item-A_B_C_... to tree-item-Z, where A, B, and C were the parent item's indexes, and Z is the current item's index within its own group and hierarchy level.


The Open, Download and Print tools have been moved to a submenu toggled on click of a hamburger menu on the leftmost side of the Toolbar.


  1. When maximized, the Signature now renders a k-signature-maximized class.
  2. The fill mode class is now applied based on the FillMode parameter (appearance settings).


  1. The active (currently selected) tabs now render only the k-active class. The k-tab-on-top class is no longer applied.
  2. The inactive tabs no longer include the k-state-default class.
  3. The scroll buttons (prev & next) now render the k-tabstrip-prev and k-tabstrip-next classes, respectively.
  4. The k-pos-relative class is no longer applied to the <div class="k-tabstrip"> element. The component now receives an inline position: relative style instead.


The tile elements (<div class="k-tilelayout-item">) render tabindex="-1" instead of tabindex="0" when the Navigable parameter of the TileLayout is false, which is the default setting.


  1. The k-cursor-pointer class is removed from the <span class="k-treelist-toggle"> element (toggle row icon).
  2. The <table class="k-table"> element rendered in the <div class="k-grid-header-wrap"> element now also has the k-grid-header-table class.
  3. The <table class="k-table"> element rendered in the <div class="k-grid-content"> element now also includes a size class (appearance settings).
  4. The k-filterable class in the table header cells is now rendered only when the column is filterable and has either a filter menu or column menu.

See Also