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Earlier Versions Support Policy in UI for Blazor

This article provides information on the provided support for earlier UI for Blazor versions.

The support policy includes the way bug fixes, feature enhancements, and browser compatibility are updated and applied across the Progress® Telerik® UI for Blazor suite.

For best performance results, use the latest UI for Blazor version (7.1.0) which contains all recent features and fixes that are available. Telerik supports only the latest available version of UI for Blazor (7.1.0).

Bug Fixes

Bugs in UI for Blazor components are fixed depending on the priority set by the product management and based on the public Feedback portal, support system, surveys, interviews, and other means at management discretion.

Bug fixes are then implemented in the product by the Development team and later introduced in the first official product release.

To get a bug fix, you have to upgrade your project to the same release as the release that contains the fix, or later.

If a workaround for an earlier version is technically feasible, you may be provided with such in the ticketing system. However, Progress Software Corporation cannot guarantee that bug fixes in earlier versions will be available and cannot give warranty for any workarounds that are provided.

New Features and Components

Feature enhancements and new components become publicly available in the first major release and after their implementation by the Development team.

New features and components are not available for versions which come before the first version in which they were released.

Browser Compatibility

UI for Blazor versions support only browsers that were available at the time of their release. Browser versions released later may introduce issues and such are handled in UI for Blazor releases after the browser release.

Implementation Support

For earlier versions, you can get suggestions on how to implement certain scenarios, features, and UI for Blazor tools in your project in the ticketing system and depending on their technical feasibility. If such an implementation relies on the API, fixes, or enhancements that are implemented in later versions, you will need to upgrade to a release which contains the feature you need.

See Also