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How to Skip a Wizard Step


ProductWizard for Blazor


How to skip one or more Wizard steps, based on the results of another step?

The Wizard flow is set to linear, so I can't disable steps, but I need to skip an unneeded step programmatically, based on a custom condition in a previous step.


  1. Subscribe to the OnChange event of the originating step.
  2. Check args.TargetIndex to find out if the user is navigating in the desired direction.
  3. Set args.IsCancelled to true to cancel navigation to the next step.
  4. Set the Wizard Value to the desired step.

Note that Wizard step indexes are zero-based for the developer and 1-based for the end user.

Skip a Wizard Step Based on Business Logic

@* Skip a Wizard Step Based on Custom Condition *@

<TelerikWizard Width="600px"
                <p>This is Step 1.</p>
        <WizardStep OnChange="@OnStep1Change">
                <p>This is Step 2.</p>
                <label><TelerikCheckBox @bind-Value="@SkipStep2" /> Skip Step 3</label>
                <p>This is Step 3.</p>
                <p>This is Step 4.</p>

@code {
    int WizardStep { get; set; } = 1;
    bool SkipStep2 { get; set; } = true;

    async Task OnStep1Change(WizardStepChangeEventArgs args)
        // Wizard step indexes are zero-based
        if (args.TargetIndex == 2 && SkipStep2)
            args.IsCancelled = true;
            WizardStep = 3;
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