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Count All Selected and Uploaded Files


ProductUpload for Blazor


This KB article answers the following questions:

  • How to find out when upload of multiple files is complete? I need an EventCallback like OnComplete for a completion of all files, or OnProgress event for all files.
  • I set Multiple="true". Is it possible to "see" the last successful upload in the OnSuccess event? I need to do something after ALL files are uploaded successfully.
  • Users add files one by one. If they select more than 3 files, I want to notify them that they can't add anymore and prevent them from adding.


The event arguments of all Upload events provide:

To count the total number of selected, valid and uploaded files in multiple user actions and events, define additional variables in the Razor component. Then, increment and decrement the variables in the Upload events.

  1. Use the Upload OnSelect event to detect selection of one or multiple files.
    • If Multiple="true", then set IsCancelled in the event argument to true when the number of selected files exceeds the maximum limit.
    • If Multiple="false", the Upload component will replace the current file in the list with the newly selected one.
  2. Use the Upload OnCancel event to detect when the user aborts an ongoing file upload.
  3. Use the Upload OnSuccess event to detect a successful file upload or deletion on the server. Note that removal of uploaded files also fires OnSuccess.
  4. Use the Upload OnRemove event to detect when the user deletes an uploaded file, or removes a file that hasn't been uploaded yet. Note that removal of uploaded files also fires OnRemove.
  5. Use the Upload OnClear event to detect when the user removes all items from the file list.

Track and count the number of all selected and uploaded files

@inject NavigationManager NavigationManager

    <li>Selected Files: @SelectedFiles</li>
        Valid Files: @ValidFiles out of
        <TelerikNumericTextBox @bind-Value="@MaxValidFiles"
                               Width="70px" /> allowed
        (<strong>@string.Join(", ", UploadAllowedExtensions)</strong>)
        Uploaded Files: @UploadedFiles out of
        <TelerikNumericTextBox @bind-Value="@MaxUploadedFiles"
                               Width="70px" /> allowed

    <label><TelerikCheckBox @bind-Value="@UploadMultiple" /> Select Multiple Files</label>

    <label><TelerikCheckBox @bind-Value="@UploadAutoUpload" /> Upload Automatically</label>
    <em>(checking this will not upload pending files)</em>

<TelerikUpload SaveUrl="@UploadSaveUrl"
               MaxFileSize="@( 16 * 1024 * 1024 )"
               MinFileSize="@( 1 * 1024 )"

@code {
    private string UploadSaveUrl => ToAbsoluteUrl("api/upload/save");

    private string UploadRemoveUrl => ToAbsoluteUrl("api/upload/remove");

    private List<string> UploadAllowedExtensions => new List<string>() { ".jpg", ".pdf", ".txt" };

    private bool UploadMultiple { get; set; } = true;

    private bool UploadAutoUpload { get; set; }

    private int SelectedFiles { get; set; }

    private int ValidFiles { get; set; }

    private int MaxValidFiles { get; set; } = 3;

    private int UploadedFiles { get; set; }

    private int MaxUploadedFiles { get; set; } = 3;

    private void OnUploadCancel(UploadCancelEventArgs args)

    private void OnUploadClear(UploadClearEventArgs args)
        SelectedFiles = 0;
        ValidFiles = 0;
        //UploadedFiles = 0; // optional

    private void OnUploadRemove(UploadEventArgs args)

        var file = args.Files.First();

        if (!file.InvalidExtension && !file.InvalidMaxFileSize && !file.InvalidMinFileSize)

    private void OnUploadSelect(UploadSelectEventArgs args)
        if (UploadMultiple)
            SelectedFiles += args.Files.Count;
            SelectedFiles = 1;

        var currentValidFiles = args.Files
            .Where(file => !file.InvalidExtension && !file.InvalidMaxFileSize && !file.InvalidMinFileSize)

        if (ValidFiles + currentValidFiles.Count > MaxValidFiles)
            args.IsCancelled = true;
            if (UploadMultiple)
                ValidFiles += currentValidFiles.Count;
                ValidFiles = 1;

    private void OnUploadSuccess(UploadSuccessEventArgs args)
        if (args.Operation == UploadOperationType.Upload)

    private void OnUploadUpload(UploadEventArgs args)
        if (UploadedFiles + args.Files.Count > MaxUploadedFiles)
            args.IsCancelled = true;

    private string ToAbsoluteUrl(string url)
        return $"{NavigationManager.BaseUri}{url}";

See Also