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TextArea with MaxLength and character counter


ProductTextArea for Blazor


This how-to article answers the following questions:

  • The TextArea has a MaxLength parameter but it does not show when the maximum allowed characters count is reached. How to notify the user they have reached the MaxLength value?
  • How to display a counter, so the user knows how many characters they have left before reaching the MaxLength value?


This article provides two different solutions. Choose the more suitable one depending on how you want to use the TextArea:

TextArea as a standalone component

To set maximum allowed characters when using the TextArea as a standalone component, use its MaxLength property.

The MaxLength parameter of the TextArea maps to the maxlength attribute of the HTML <textarea> element. Its purpose is to prevent the user from typing beyond the specified maximum character count. It does not provide a visual indication out of the box.

To notify the user that they have reached the MaxLength value:

  • Declare the desired message in an if block.
  • Display this message if the length of the TextArea value equals the specified MaxLength value.
  • Add the desired CSS rules or classes to style the message as needed.

To inform the user about the remaining characters, render the TextArea value length and the MaxLength value—this will serve as a character counter.

TextArea with counter, MaxLength and conditional message

<div style="width:400px">
    <TelerikTextArea @bind-Value="@TextValue"
                     Placeholder="Enter your text here"
    <div class="textarea-info">
        @if (TextLength == MaxLength)
            <div class="k-form-hint k-form-error">You reached the maximum allowed characters.</div>
        <span class="character-counter k-form-hint @(TextLength == MaxLength ? "k-form-error" : "")">@($"{TextLength} / {MaxLength}")</span>

@code {
    private string TextValue { get; set; }
    private int MaxLength { get; set; } = 40;
    private int TextLength => TextValue?.Length ?? 0;

    .textarea-info {
        display: flex;
        justify-content: space-between;

    .character-counter {
        margin-left: auto;

TextArea inside a Form

When the TextArea is inside a Form, you can use the built-in Form validation and DataAnnotations. To restrict the user from submitting more that the desired characters, decorate the field bound to the TextArea with the MaxLengthAttribute.

With this setup, the user will be able to type more than the allowed characters, but in this case they will get a validation error. An error message will be automatically displayed for this field, if you have provided such in the MaxLength attribute.

If you are declaring the TextArea inside a FormItem Template, such a validation message will not be displayed out of the box. In this case, add a ValidationMessage component.

To inform the user about the remaining characters, render the TextArea value length and the MaxLength value—this will serve as a character counter. Add the desired CSS rules or classes to style the counter as needed.

TextArea in Form with counter and validation

@using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations

<TelerikForm Model="@FormModel"
        <DataAnnotationsValidator />
                <label for="sendInvitation">Send Invitation:</label>
                <TelerikTextArea Id="sendInvitation"
                                 Placeholder="Enter your text here">
                <div class="textarea-info">
                    <TelerikValidationMessage For="@(() => FormModel.Text)" />  
                    <span class="character-counter k-form-hint @(TextLength > MaxLength ? "k-form-error" : "")">@($"{TextLength} / {MaxLength}")</span>
        <TelerikButton ButtonType="@ButtonType.Submit" ThemeColor="primary">Send</TelerikButton>

<br />


@code {
    public class ValidationModel
        [Required(ErrorMessage = "Please enter a text.")]
        [MaxLength(40, ErrorMessage = "Maximum allowed characters is 40")]
        public string Text { get; set; }

    private ValidationModel FormModel = new ValidationModel();

    private int MaxLength { get; set; } = 40;

    private int TextLength => FormModel?.Text?.Length ?? 0;

    private string FormSubmitMessage { get; set; }

    private async void OnValidSubmit()
        FormSubmitMessage = "Form submitted successfully!";
        FormModel.Text = "";

    .textarea-info {
        display: flex;
        justify-content: space-between;

    .character-counter {
        margin-left: auto;