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Hide Toolbar, Formula Bar, or Sheet Bar in Spreadsheet


ProductSpreadsheet for Blazor


I want to display only the spreadsheet portion and hide the toolbar, formula bar, and sheet bars in the Spreadsheet component.


To change the visibility of the toolbar, formula bar, and sheet bar in the Spreadsheet for Blazor, apply conditional CSS classes to hide the respective components.

This approach is applicable only if the app can trust its users not to show back the tools through the browser console.

    .hide-header .k-spreadsheet-header {
        display: none;

    .hide-action-bar .k-spreadsheet-action-bar {
        display: none;

    .hide-sheets-bar .k-spreadsheet-sheets-bar {
        display: none;

<label for="showHeader"><TelerikCheckBox Id="showHeader" @bind-Value="@ShowHeader" />Show Header</label>
<label for="showActionBar"><TelerikCheckBox Id="showActionBar" @bind-Value="@ShowActionBar" />Show Action Bar</label>
<label for="showSheetsBar"><TelerikCheckBox Id="showSheetsBar" @bind-Value="@ShowSheetsBar" />Show Sheets Bar</label>

<TelerikSpreadsheet Data="@SpreadsheetData"

@code {
    private byte[]? SpreadsheetData { get; set; }
    private bool ShowHeader { get; set; }
    private bool ShowActionBar { get; set; }
    private bool ShowSheetsBar { get; set; }

    // Dynamically generate the class based on the checkbox states
    private string SpreadsheetClass => $"{(ShowHeader ? "" : "hide-header")} " +
                                       $"{(ShowActionBar ? "" : "hide-action-bar")} " +
                                       $"{(ShowSheetsBar ? "" : "hide-sheets-bar")}";

    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
        SpreadsheetData = Convert.FromBase64String(SampleExcelFile);

        // Or, load a file from your file system.
        // Specify the full File namespace or use namespace aliases
        // to avoid ambiguous reference with the Telerik SVG icon File.
        // FileData = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("C:\\Documents\\MyWorkbook.xlsx");

        await base.OnInitializedAsync();

    private const string SampleExcelFile = "";

See Also