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Small numbers are shown in scientific format


ProductNumericTextBox for Blazor


When I try to update a value, the numeric textbox automatically transforms the value into the equivalent scientific notation, but I need to keep the decimal notation of the value.

scientific notation after focus issue

Steps to Reproduce

Use a sufficiently small number and bind it to the Numeric Textobox, then focus it.

@* the key thing is the small value below, and the type - double *@

<TelerikNumericTextBox Decimals="6" @bind-Value="@Performance" Format="@format"></TelerikNumericTextBox>

    double Performance { get; set; } = 0.000070;

    string format = "#0.000000";

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        //this will show the scientific notation in the console too


Possible Cause

Sufficiently small (or large) numbers may be rendered as strings by the framework in scientific notation (see the example above).

The Telerik Numeric Textbox renders the Format parameter when it is not focused through a simple .ToString(Format) call, but when focused, it needs to take into account the Decimals and so it has to round the value before calling .ToString() to it to render it in the input.

This rounding makes types with lower precision (such as double) show up in scientific notation (such as 7E-05) instead of the expected decimal notation (such as 0.000070) while the Format may be set to something that does not manifest this behavior and thus mask the problem.

You can find a sample approximation of the rounding code at the time of writing here:

<br />
@RoundDouble(Performance, decimals)
<br />
<TelerikNumericTextBox Decimals="@decimals" @bind-Value="@Performance" Format="@format"></TelerikNumericTextBox>

    double Performance { get; set; } = 0.000070;

    string format = "#0.000000";
    int decimals = 6;

    public double RoundDouble(double value, int decimals)
        return (double)(object)Math.Round((double)(object)value, decimals);


Use a type with sufficient precision that will still be rendered by the framework in decimal notation at the desired precision levels, such as decimal.

<br />
@RoundDecimal(Performance, decimals)
<br />
<TelerikNumericTextBox Decimals="@decimals" @bind-Value="@Performance" Format="@format"></TelerikNumericTextBox>

    decimal Performance { get; set; } = 0.000070m;

    string format = "#0.000000";
    int decimals = 6;

    public decimal RoundDecimal(decimal value, int decimals)
        return (decimal)(object)Math.Round((decimal)(object)value, decimals);