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New Icon Names in Telerik UI for Blazor 4.0
Product | UI for Blazor |
Product Version | 4.x |
Telerik UI for Blazor version 4.0 renamed some of the built-in icons. Using the old icon names won't work and may produce errors, depending on the exact component configuration.
While the below listed names will render the proper icons, the recommended approach for declaring icons is to use
followed by PascalCase for the icon name. See details in Icons List.
Here is a list of the renamed icons:
Icon name in 3.x | Icon name in 4.x |
arrow-45-up-right, collapse-ne, resize-ne | caret-tr |
arrow-45-down-left, collapse-sw, resize-sw | caret-bl |
arrow-45-up-left, collapse-nw, resize-nw | caret-tl |
arrow-60-up, arrow-n, kpi-trend-increase, expand-n, sarrow-n | caret-alt-up |
arrow-60-right, arrow-e, expand, expand-e, sarrow-e | caret-alt-right |
arrow-60-down, arrow-s, kpi-trend-decrease, expand-s, collapse, sarrow-s | caret-alt-down |
arrow-60-left, arrow-w, expand-w, sarrow-w | caret-alt-left |
arrow-end-up, seek-n | caret-alt-to-top |
arrow-end-right, seek-e | caret-alt-to-right |
arrow-end-down, seek-s | caret-alt-to-bottom |
arrow-end-left, seek-w | caret-alt-to-left |
arrow-double-60-up, arrow-seek-up | caret-double-alt-up |
arrow-double-60-right, arrow-seek-right, forward-sm | caret-double-alt-right |
arrow-double-60-down, arrow-seek-down | caret-double-alt-down |
arrow-double-60-left, arrow-seek-left, rewind-sm | caret-double-alt-left |
arrows-kpi, kpi, caret-alt-sort | caret-alt-expand |
arrow-chevron-up, arrowhead-n | chevron-up |
arrow-chevron-right, arrowhead-e | chevron-right |
arrow-chevron-down, arrowhead-s | chevron-down |
arrow-chevron-left, arrowhead-w | chevron-left |
arrow-drill | level-down |
arrow-parent | level-up |
arrow-root, level-root | level-to-top |
arrows-resizing | col-resize |
arrows-dimensions, dimension | arrows-axes |
page-layout | layout-2-by-2 |
hamburger | menu |
more-v, vbars | more-vertical |
more-h, hbars | more-horizontal |
root | home |
undo-large | undo |
redo-large | redo |
reset | arrow-rotate-ccw |
reload, refresh, recurrence, arrows-repeat | arrow-rotate-cw |
non-recurrence, refresh-clear | arrows-no-repeat |
reset-sm | arrow-rotate-ccw-small |
reload-sm, refresh-sm, recurrence-sm, arrows-repeat-sm | arrow-rotate-cw-small |
floppy | save |
printer | |
edit | pencil |
delete | trash |
attachment, clip | paperclip |
attachment-45, clip-45 | paperclip-alt |
link-horizontal, hyperlink, link-h | link |
unlink-horizontal, hyperlink-remove, unlink-h | unlink |
link-v | link-vertical |
unlink-v | unlink-vertical |
deny | cancel-outline |
checkmark, tick | check |
checkmark-outline, success | check-outline |
checkmark-circle | check-circle |
close, clear, times, group-delete | x |
close-outline, clear-outline, times-outline, error | x-outline |
close-circle, clear-circle, times-circle | x-circle |
add | plus |
add-outline | plus-outline |
add-circle | plus-circle |
kpi-trend-equal | minus |
unsort | sort-clear |
sort-asc-sm | sort-asc-small |
sort-desc-sm | sort-desc-small |
filter-sm | filter-small |
filter-sort-asc-sm | filter-sort-asc-small |
filter-sort-desc-sm | filter-sort-desc-small |
| login |
sign-out | logout |
window-maximize, maximize | window |
windows, tiles, restore | window-restore |
minimize | window-minimize |
cog, custom | gear |
cogs | gears |
settings | wrench |
preview | eye |
zoom | search |
pan, move | arrows-move |
shopping-cart | cart |
splus | plus-sm |
sminus | minus-sm |
cursor | pointer |
volume-low | volume-down |
volume-high | volume-up |
volume-off | volume-mute |
subtitles | closed-captions |
audio | music-notes |
fav-outline, favorite-outline | heart-outline |
fav, favorite | heart |
bookmark-outline | star-outline |
bookmark | star |
shape-rect | checkbox |
tri-state-indeterminate | checkbox-indeterminate |
tri-state-null | checkbox-null |
shape-circle | radiobutton |
notification | bell |
information, info, note | info-circle |
question, help | question-circle |
warning, exception | exclamation-circle |
photo-camera | camera |
photo | image |
photo-export | image-export |
flip-h | flip-horizontal |
flip-v | flip-vertical |
rotate-cw | rotate-right |
rotate-ccw | rotate-left |
paint, background | droplet |
line | shape-line |
saturation | sliders |
opacity | transparency |
shape | shapes |
front-element | bring-to-front |
back-element | bring-to-back |
forward-element | bring-forward |
backward-element | bring-backward |
align-left-element | align-self-start |
align-center-element | align-self-center |
align-right-element | align-self-end |
align-top-element | align-self-start-alt |
align-middle-element | align-self-center-alt |
align-bottom-element | align-self-end-alt |
full-screen, fullscreen-enter | fullscreen |
full-screen-exit | fullscreen-exit |
reset-color, paint-remove, background-remove | droplet-slash |
images, gallery | photos |
align-stretch-element-horizontal | align-self-stretch |
align-stretch-element-vertical | align-self-stretch-alt |
align-left-elements | align-items-start |
align-center-elements | align-items-center |
align-right-elements | align-items-end |
align-stretch-elements-horizontal | align-items-stretch |
align-baseline-horizontal | align-items-baseline |
align-top-elements | align-items-start-alt |
align-middle-elements | align-items-center-alt |
align-bottom-elements | align-items-end-alt |
align-stretch-elements-vertical | align-items-stretch-alt |
align-baseline-vertical | align-items-baseline-alt |
justify-start-horizontal | justify-content-start |
justify-center-horizontal | justify-content-center |
justify-end-horizontal | justify-content-end |
justify-between-horizontal | justify-content-between |
justify-around-horizontal | justify-content-around |
justify-start-vertical | justify-content-start-alt |
justify-center-vertical | justify-content-center-alt |
justify-end-vertical | justify-content-end-alt |
justify-between-vertical | justify-content-between-alt |
justify-around-vertical | justify-content-around-alt |
page-properties | file-wrench |
text | foreground-color |
strike-through | strikethrough |
sub-script | subscript |
sup-script, superscript | supscript |
list-numbered, insert-ordered-list | list-ordered |
list-bulleted, insert-unordered-list | list-unordered |
indent-increase | indent |
indent-decrease | outdent |
insert-up, insert-n | insert-top |
insert-m | insert-middle |
insert-down, insert-s | insert-bottom |
justify-left | align-left |
justify-center | align-center |
justify-left | align-right |
justify-full | align-justify |
justify-clear | align-remove |
rule-horizontal, hr | horizontal-rule |
all-borders | borders-all |
outside-borders | borders-outside |
inside-borders | borders-inside |
border-inside-h, inside-horizontal-borders | borders-inside-horizontal |
borders-inside-v, inside-vertical-borders | borders-inside-vertical |
top-border | border-top |
bottom-border | border-bottom |
left-border | border-left |
right-border | border-right |
border-no, no-borders | borders-none |
border | form |
dictionary-add | book |
image-light-dialog, image-insert, insert-image | image-add |
comments-remove-all | comments-remove |
find-and-replace, find | binoculars |
files | copy |
paste | clipboard |
paste-as-html | clipboard-code |
paste-from-word | clipboard-word |
paste-from-word-strip-file | clipboard-word-alt |
paste-html | clipboard-html |
paste-markdown | clipboard-markdown |
paste-plain-text | clipboard-text |
clearformat | clear-css |
style-builder | building-blocks |
module-manager, puzzle | puzzle-piece |
hyperlink-light-dialog, hyperlink-insert | link-add |
hyperlink-globe | globe-link |
hyperlink-globe-remove | globe-unlink |
hyperlink-email | envelope-link |
table-light-dialog, table-insert, create-table | table-add |
add-column-left | table-column-insert-left |
add-column-right | table-column-insert-right |
add-row-above | table-row-insert-above |
add-row-below | table-row-insert-below |
delete-column | table-column-delete |
delete-row | table-row-delete |
merge-cells | cells-merge |
cells-merge-h, merge-horizontally | cells-merge-horizontally |
cells-merge-v, merge-vertically | cells-merge-vertically |
cells-split-h | cell-split-horizontally |
cells-split-v | cell-split-vertically |
normal-layout | table-unmerge |
freeze-pane | pane-freeze |
freeze-row | row-freeze |
col-freeze, freeze-col | column-freeze |
fx | formula-fx |
currency | dollar |
format-number | custom-format |
increace-decimal | decimal-increase |
decrease-decimal | decimal-decrease |
marker-pin | map-marker |
marker-pin-target | map-marker-target |
email, letter | envelope |
email-box, letter-box | envelope-box |
fields-more | folder-more |
file-vertical, page-portrait, file-v | file |
insert-file | file-add |
txt | file-txt |
csv | file-csv |
file-xls, excel, xls, xlsa | file-excel |
file-doc, word, doc | file-word |
mdb | file-mdb |
ppt | file-ppt |
pdf, pdfa | file-pdf |
psd | file-psd |
flash | file-flash |
config | file-config |
ascx | file-ascx |
bac | file-bac |
zip | file-zip |
html, source-code, view-source | code |
page-landscape, file-h | file-horizontal |
file-validation | file-error |
files-validation | files-error |
table-position-left | table-position-start |
table-position-right | table-position-end |