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Converting Existing Projects to Telerik Apps

This article demonstrates how to enable the Progress® Telerik® UI for Blazor components in your existing Blazor app with a few mouse clicks. The supported integration is helpful if you already have a substantial app, or if you want to use the Microsoft templates to start with features like authentication and add the UI components later.

To add the Telerik UI components to your existing Blazor application, use the Convert Project Wizard. The wizard detects all installed versions of Telerik UI for Blazor and lists them in the Version combobox—this feature enables you to start your project with the desired version. To make sure you are up to date, you can also get the latest version.

The Convert Project Wizard automates a set of steps that you otherwise must perform manually.

The wizard adds the following client assets to your project:

The wizard also configures the project to use the Telerik UI for Blazor components by adding the following utilities:

Getting the Wizard

To use the Convert Project Wizard, install the Telerik UI for Blazor Visual Studio (VS) extensions. You can get the extension from:

Our extention for Visual Studio for Mac will be discontinued in 2024 after Visual Studio for Mac is discontinued.

Starting the Wizard

To start the wizard, use either of the following options:

Project Context Menu

  1. In the Solution Explorer, select the Blazor app where you want to add the Telerik components (either WebAssembly, or Server-side Blazor).
  2. Right-click the project node and, then, select Telerik UI for Blazor > Convert to Telerik Application.
  3. Follow the instructions.

Start the Convert Project Wizard from the project context menu

Start the Convert Project Wizard from the context menu

Extensions Menu

Alternatively, instead of the context menu, you can use the VS Extensions menu at the top:

  1. In the Solution Explorer, select the Blazor app where you want to add the Telerik components (either WebAssembly, or Server-side Blazor).
  2. Open the Extensions menu.
  3. Click Telerik > Telerik UI for Blazor > Convert to Telerik Application.
  4. Follow the instructions.

Start the Convert Project Wizard from the Extensions menu

Start the Convert Project Wizard

Converting the Project

Clicking the Convert to Telerik Application button opens the Convert Project Wizard and you will go through the following steps:

  1. Configure the project.
  2. Select a visual theme.
  3. Create a backup.

Step 1: Select Initial Project Configuration

This screen provides the ability to:

  • Download the latest available version.
  • Choose a particular version to add to the project.
  • Configure additional project settings like:

Step 2: Select Theme

In this step, you can apply one of the available themes to your project.

Step 3: Create a Backup

You can choose to back up the project state before the conversion (in a folder called <ProjectName>_Backup>_<timestamp>).

Step 4: Install or Update License Key

If necessary, the Telerik Visual Studio extension will notify you about a missing or outdated license key, and will install or update it.


When converting a project, you may encounter the following most common issues:

Error Screen

If you see an error screen in the wizard, make sure that you have selected the UI project in the Solution Explorer. For example, the Issue can occur in WebAssembly apps as they can include a Server and Shared projects, and only the Client project is the actual Blazor UI app that needs the Telerik components.

Some specific project settings can also cause an exception during conversion. The fastest solution is to manually configure the project for the Telerik components.

Components Fail

The issue can manifest in a couple of ways:

  • The components have no styling.
  • There are JavaScript errors that Telerik objects cannot be found.

The most common reason for this problem is a mismatch between the installed version and the actual license that you have. For example:

  • Only a trial version is installed on your development machine, but you already have a commercial license, yet you never installed the commercial version.
  • The wizard did not properly detect the installed version.

The cause are wrong paths to the needed web assets. To resolve this open the index file:

  • wwwroot/index.html for a WebAssembly and a Hybrid Blazor app
  • ~/Pages/_Host.cshtml for a Server-Side Blazor app using .NET 3.x or .NET 5
  • ~/Pages/_Layout.cshtml for a Server-Side Blazor app using.NET 6

Look for the comments left by the wizard. The comments are in the <head> near the Telerik assets and show the correct paths for a trial and commercial license.

Extra Shared Folder

You may get a Shared folder that contains a TelerikLayout.razor file at an unexpected place in the project. This can happen if a folder in the project was selected instead of the project itself when running the convert wizard.

The fix is to move the TelerikLayout.razor file to the original Shared folder of your project, next to the MainLayout.razor file.

See Also