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TreeList Data Binding to Flat Data

This article explains how to bind the treelist for Blazor to flat data. Before continuing, make sure you are familiar with the treelist data binding basics.

Flat data means that the entire collection of treelist items is available at one level, for example List<MyTreeListItemModel>.

The parent-child relationships are created through internal data in the model - the ParentId field which points to the Id of the item that will contain the current item. The root level has null for ParentId. There must be at least one node with a null value so that the treelist renders anything.

If there are child items for a certain node (items whose ParentId points to the current item's Id), it will have an expand icon. The HasChildren field can override this, however, but it is not required for flat data binding.

Example of flat data in a treelist - you need to point the TreeList to the Id and ParentId fields in your model

@* Using self-referencing flat data. In this model, the field names match the defaults, but they are set to showcase the concept. *@

<TelerikTreeList Data="@Data" 

                 IdField="Id" ParentIdField="ParentId"

                 Pageable="true" Width="850px" Height="400px">
        <TreeListColumn Field="Name" Expandable="true" Width="320px" />
        <TreeListColumn Field="Id" Width="120px" />
        <TreeListColumn Field="ParentId" Width="120px" />
        <TreeListColumn Field="EmailAddress" Width="120px" />
        <TreeListColumn Field="HireDate" Width="220px" />

@code {
    public List<Employee> Data { get; set; }

    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
        Data = await GetTreeListData();

    // sample model

    public class Employee
        // denote the parent-child relationship between items
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public int? ParentId { get; set; }
        // custom data fields for display
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string EmailAddress { get; set; }
        public DateTime HireDate { get; set; }

    // data generation

    async Task<List<Employee>> GetTreeListData()
        List<Employee> data = new List<Employee>();

        for (int i = 1; i < 15; i++)
            data.Add(new Employee
                Id = i,
                ParentId = null, // indicates a root-level item
                Name = $"root: {i}",
                EmailAddress = $"{i}",
                HireDate = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-i)
            }); ;

            for (int j = 1; j < 4; j++)
                int currId = i * 100 + j;
                data.Add(new Employee
                    Id = currId,
                    ParentId = i,
                    Name = $"first level child {j} of {i}",
                    EmailAddress = $"{currId}",
                    HireDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-currId)

                for (int k = 1; k < 3; k++)
                    int nestedId = currId * 1000 + k;
                    data.Add(new Employee
                        Id = nestedId,
                        ParentId = currId,
                        Name = $"second level child {k} of {i} and {currId}",
                        EmailAddress = $"{nestedId}",
                        HireDate = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-nestedId)
                    }); ;

        return await Task.FromResult(data);

The result from the code snippet above

TreeList bound to flat data

See Also

In this article
See Also
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