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Tooltip Template

The Tooltip component offers a template that lets you customize the content so you can show rich data (such as images or other components). The template context provides the data-* attributes and the title of the tooltip target so you can tie the content to the metadata.

The tooltip metadata is available from the the context object, in the following fields:

  • DataAttributes - the data- attributes, lowercase, the field is of type Dictionary<string, string>
  • Title - the title attribute of the target, of type string

This article contains the following examples for generating the tooltip content:

Basic Example - Inline Markup

Different content for different targets, generated from the same tooltip

@* You can add more than text, you can also use the data to generate attributes for images
    or even entire components *@

<TelerikTooltip TargetSelector="p strong[title]">
            var dataAttributes = context.DataAttributes;
            var title = context.Title;
                This is a tooltip for:
                    <li>target title: @title</li>
                    <li>target data-id: @dataAttributes["id"]</li>

    Hover these targets to see different tooltip contents generated from the same tooltip:<br />
    <strong title="one" data-id="first">target one</strong>
    and also
    <strong title="two" data-id="second">the second target</strong>.

Markup from Generated String

Generate tooltip content based on target metadata through a method

@* Generate the HTML content through a markup string *@

<TelerikTooltip TargetSelector="p strong[title]">
        @(new MarkupString(GetTooltipContent(context.DataAttributes, context.Title)))

    string GetTooltipContent(Dictionary<string, string> targetMetadata, string targetTitle)
        if (targetMetadata == null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetTitle))
            return "<strong>no data for this element</strong>";
        string result = "<ul>";
        result += $"<li>title: {targetTitle}</li>";
        foreach (string key in targetMetadata.Keys)
            result += $"<li>key: {key} | value: {targetMetadata[key]}</li>";
        result += "</ul>";
        return result;

    Hover these targets to see different tooltip contents generated from the same tooltip:<br />
    <strong title="one" data-id="first" data-someField="data1">target one</strong>
    and also
    <strong title="two" data-id="second" data-someField="third">the second target</strong>.

Separate Component and Load on Demand

This example shows how you can use a standalone component to generate the tooltip contents. It can also be used to load content on demand and you can find a more complete example in the Tooltips with Load-on-demand in a Grid Row sample project.

Generate tooltip content through a separate component

@* Tip: set dimensions that will accommodate the data/content you fetch/generate
    to avoid sizing and/or positioning issues when the new content is rendered *@

<TelerikTooltip TargetSelector="p" Height="300px" Width="400px">
        <TooltipContentComponent TargetData="@context.DataAttributes" Title="@context.Title" />

    Hover these targets to see different tooltip contents generated from the same tooltip:<br />
    <strong class="target" title="one" data-id="first" data-someField="data1">target one</strong>
    and also
    <strong class="target" title="two" data-id="second" data-someField="third">the second target</strong>
    and even a <strong class="target">third target</strong>.

See Also