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This article explains how to save, restore and programmatically control the state of the Telerik Splitter for Blazor.

The splitter instance (@ref) exposes the GetState() and SetState(SplitterState updatedState) methods to let you obtain and update the state.

The SplitterState object that describes the state contains a List<SplitterPaneState> Panes object that describes each pane.

Each SplitterPaneState object has the following information:

  • Size - string - the size of the pane
  • Collapsed - bool - whether the pane is collapsed

How to save and load the state to/from JSON and the browser local storage, and how to manually change the state of the splitter on a button click

@inject LocalStorage LocalStorage
@inject IJSRuntime JsRuntine

    <TelerikButton OnClick="@SaveStateToJson">Save State to JSON</TelerikButton>
    <TelerikButton OnClick="@ReloadPage">Reload the Page</TelerikButton>
    <TelerikButton OnClick="@LoadStateFromJson">Load State from JSON</TelerikButton>
    <TelerikButton OnClick="@SetCustomState">Set custom state</TelerikButton>

<div style="width: 500px; height: 200px;">
    <TelerikSplitter @ref="@Splitter"
            <SplitterPane Size="200px" Collapsible="true">
                <div>pane 0</div>

            <SplitterPane Size="250px" Collapsible="true">
                <div>pane 1</div>

            <SplitterPane Collapsible="true">
                <div>pane 2</div>

@code {
    const string SplitterStateKey = "SplitterStorageStateKey";
    TelerikSplitter Splitter { get; set; }

    async Task SaveStateToJson()
        var state = Splitter.GetState();
        await LocalStorage.SetItem(SplitterStateKey, state);

    async Task LoadStateFromJson()
        var state = await LocalStorage.GetItem<SplitterState>(SplitterStateKey);
        if (state != null)

    async Task ReloadPage()
        await JsRuntine.InvokeVoidAsync("window.location.reload");

    void SetCustomState()
        SplitterState desiredState = new SplitterState()
            Panes = new List<SplitterPaneState>()
                new SplitterPaneState{ Collapsed = true, Size = "30px" },
                new SplitterPaneState{ Collapsed = false }, // you should always have at least one pane without a size to absorb differences
                new SplitterPaneState{ Collapsed = false, Size = "123px" },


You can use the Splitter events to save the component state and restore it on page reload. Learn more at Save and Load the Splitter State.

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