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SplitButton Events

This article describes the SplitButton events:


The OnClick event fires when the user clicks or taps the primary button or a secondary button. Each SplitButton action can execute a separate OnClick handler.

  • The event argument type is MouseEventArgs.
  • The event handler can be synchronous (void) or asynchronous (async Task).

SplitButton OnClick event

<TelerikSplitButton OnClick="@OnReply">
        <SplitButtonItem OnClick="@OnReplyAll">Reply All</SplitButtonItem>

Last action: <strong> @LastAction </strong>
at <strong> @ClickTimeString </strong>.

@code {
    string LastAction { get; set; } = "...";
    string ClickTimeString { get; set; } = "...";

    void OnReply(MouseEventArgs args)
        LastAction = "Reply (sync)";
        DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
        ClickTimeString = $"{now.ToLongTimeString()}.{now.Millisecond}";

    async Task OnReplyAll(MouseEventArgs args)
        DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
        await Task.Delay(300);
        LastAction = "Reply All (async)";
        ClickTimeString = $"{now.ToLongTimeString()}.{now.Millisecond}";

Next Steps

See Also

In this article
OnClickNext StepsSee Also
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