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Label Template

You can customize what the slider labels render through the LabelTemplate.

The labels are shown on each major tick (LargeStep) and by default they render its value. The template receives that value as its context.

This article provides the following examples:

Basic Template

This example shows how to use the current label value and to add styling and a currency symbol.

basic template with currency symbol and styling

<br /><br />

<TelerikSlider @bind-Value="@TheValue"
        <span style="font-weight:bold; font-style: italic;">

    decimal TheValue { get; set; } = 70m;

Labels for Min and Max Only

This example shows how you can render text only for the min and max values of the slider.

labels for the min and max only

<br /><br />

<TelerikSlider @bind-Value="@TheValue"
        @if (context == Min || context == Max)

    decimal TheValue { get; set; } = 70m;
    decimal Min { get; set; } = 50.0m;
    decimal Max { get; set; } = 170m;

Show and Select Items

While the slider is a numeric input, you can use its values to match against indexes of a collection - with this you can extract a full model and also display complex content for the items. You can set the SmallStep and LargeStep to 1 so there are only major ticks that act as items for the user and so that they are integer indexes.

model items in the slider

actual slider value: @TheIndex
<br />slider item text: @SliderItems[TheIndex].Text
<br />selected item value: @SliderItems[TheIndex].Value
<br />more data from the selected item: @SliderItems[TheIndex].Text
<br /><br />

<TelerikSlider @bind-Value="@TheIndex"
        <span class="rotatedText">@SliderItems[context].Text</span>

    int TheIndex { get; set; }
    int Min { get; set; } = 0;
    int Step { get; set; } = 1;
    int Max { get; set; }

    List<MySliderItem> SliderItems { get; set; }

    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
        SliderItems = Enumerable.Range(1, 5).Select(x => new MySliderItem
            Value = 123 * x,
            Text = $"item {x}",
            MoreData = $"{x} lorem ipsum"

        Max = SliderItems.Count - 1;

        TheIndex = 2;

    public class MySliderItem
        public int Value { get; set; }
        public string Text { get; set; }
        public string MoreData { get; set; }

    .rotatedText {
        transform: rotate(90deg);
        display: inline-block;
        padding-left: 2em;

See Also