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This article describes the events available in the Telerik Menu for Blazor:


The OnItemRender event fires when each Menu item renders. It allows you to customize the appearance of an item.

The event handler receives an argument object of type MenuItemRenderEventArgs that contains the following properties:

ItemobjectThe current item that renders in the Menu.
ClassstringThe custom CSS class that will be added to the item.

Customizing the appearance of the Menu items.

<TelerikMenu Data="@MenuItems"

    .custom-item {
        background-color: #bbb;

    .popup-item {
        background-color: #ff6358;
        color: white;

@code {
    private List<MenuItem> MenuItems { get; set; }

    private void OnMenuItemRender(MenuItemRenderEventArgs args)
        var item = args.Item as MenuItem;

        if (item.SectionId == null)
            args.Class = "custom-item";
            args.Class = "popup-item";         

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        MenuItems = new List<MenuItem>()
            new MenuItem()
                Id = 1,
                Section = "Overview"
            new MenuItem()
                Id = 2,
                Section = "Demos"
            new MenuItem()
                Id = 3,
                Section = "Roadmap"
            new MenuItem()
                Id = 4,
                SectionId = 3,
                Section = "What's new"
            new MenuItem()
                Id = 5,
                SectionId = 3,
                Section = "Roadmap"
            new MenuItem()
                Id = 6,
                SectionId = 3,
                Section = "Release History"
            new MenuItem()
                Id = 7,
                SectionId = 2,
                Section = "Grid"
            new MenuItem()
                Id = 8,
                SectionId = 2,
                Section = "Charts"


    public class MenuItem
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public int? SectionId { get; set; }
        public string Section { get; set; }


The OnClick event fires when the user clicks or taps on a menu item. It receives the model of the item as an argument that you can cast to the concrete model type you are using.

You can use the OnClick event to react to user choices in a menu without using navigation to load new content automatically.

Handle OnClick

Last clicked item: @ClickedItem?.Text

<TelerikMenu Data="@MenuItems" OnClick="@((MenuItem item) => OnClickHandler(item))">

@code {
    public MenuItem ClickedItem { get; set; }

    protected void OnClickHandler(MenuItem item)
        ClickedItem = item;

    public List<MenuItem> MenuItems { get; set; }

    public class MenuItem
        public string Text { get; set; }
        public ISvgIcon Icon { get; set; }
        public List<MenuItem> Items { get; set; }

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        MenuItems = new List<MenuItem>()
            new MenuItem()
                Text = "Share",
                Icon = SvgIcon.Share,
                Items = new List<MenuItem>()
                    new MenuItem()
                        Text = "FaceBook",
                        Icon = SvgIcon.Facebook
                    new MenuItem()
                        Text = "LinkedIn",
                        Icon = SvgIcon.Linkedin
                    new MenuItem()
                        Text = "Twitter",
                        Icon = SvgIcon.Twitter
            new MenuItem()
                Text = "Map Location",
                Icon = SvgIcon.MapMarker


See Also

In this article
OnItemRenderOnClickSee Also
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