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Dialog Header

The header contains the Title and the Close Action button.

There are two ways to define a Dialog title:

  • a string Title attribute of the component
  • a nested <DialogTitle> render fragment.

The default Title value is null.

You can control the close action via the ShowCloseButton parameter. Its default value is true.

If you don't want to render the header, set the ShowCloseButton to false and don't set a Title.


The following example demonstrates how to set up the title through a template. The close action button is also hidden.

Title template and no close button in the Telerik Dialog.

@* An example of a title template and hidden button for closing. *@

<TelerikDialog @bind-Visible="@Visible" ShowCloseButton="false">
        <TelerikSvgIcon Icon="@SvgIcon.CaretDoubleAltUp"></TelerikSvgIcon>
        <TelerikSvgIcon Icon="@SvgIcon.CaretDoubleAltUp"></TelerikSvgIcon>
        A new version of <strong>Telerik UI for Blazor</strong> is available. Would you like to download and install it now?
        <TelerikButton OnClick="@(() => { Visible = false; })">Skip this version</TelerikButton>
        <TelerikButton OnClick="@(() => { Visible = false; })">Remind me later</TelerikButton>
        <TelerikButton OnClick="@(() => { Visible = false; })" ThemeColor="primary">Install update</TelerikButton>

@code {
    private bool Visible { get; set; } = true;
    private string Title { get; set; } = "Software Update";

See Also

In this article
ExampleSee Also
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