Blazor ChunkProgressBar Overview

The Blazor ChunkProgressBar component tracks the execution of operations and displays what portion of it is completed in predefined number of sections (chunks). For very long tasks, you can also make it indeterminate while waiting for an update.

ninja-iconThe ChunkProgressBar component is part of Telerik UI for Blazor, a professional grade UI library with 110+ native components for building modern and feature-rich applications. To try it out sign up for a free 30-day trial.Start Free Trial

Creating Blazor ChunkProgressBar

  1. Add the <TelerikChunkProgressBar> tag.

  2. Set its Value and Max parameters to denote the completed progress. Read more about the relationship between them in the Chunk Count, Value and MaxValue section.

@*Basic configuration of the ChunkProgressBar*@

<TelerikChunkProgressBar Value="@ChunkProgressBarValue" Max="@MaxValue" />

@code {
    public double MaxValue { get; set; } = 5;
    public double ChunkProgressBarValue { get; set; } = 3;

Chunk Count, Value and MaxValue

This section explains the connection between the ChunkCount, Value, and MaxValue parameters. In the Matching Values and the Non-matching Values sub-sections you can see how the ChunkProgressBar will render its chunks in these scenarios.

Matching Values

When the Max and ChunkCount parameters match in value, the Value parameter represents the number of chunks that are highlighted.

<TelerikChunkProgressBar Value="2"

The result from the code snippet above

Blazor Chunkprogressbar Matching Values Example

Non-matching Values

Each chunk (section) represents an equal part of the maximum value (Max/ChunkCount). So, when the Max and ChunkCount parameters do not match in value, the Value parameter highlights the number of chunks that is less than or equal (<=) to the full fractions that it represents.

In the example below each chunk is "worth" 10 / 4 = 2.5. The Value is 3 so the full chunks this covers is 3 / 2.5 = 1.2, so 1 chunk will be highlighted. If the Value is set to 4, one chunk will remain highlighted, a second chunk will be highlighted when the Value becomes 5.

<TelerikChunkProgressBar Value="3"

The result of the code snippet above

non-matching values example screenshot

ChunkProgressBar Parameters

ParameterType and Default ValueDescription
ClassstringRenders a custom CSS class to the <div class="k-progressbar"> element.
The maximum value of the ChunkProgressBar. It must be greater than 0.
ValuedoubleThe value of the ChunkProgressBar. This value indicates the progress of the tracked process and is distributed in the chunks (sections) of the ChunkProgressBar. It is a fraction of the Max. Read mode in the Chunk Count, Value and MaxValue section.
ChunkCountunsigned int
The number of chunks the ChunkProgressBar will be separated into.
Controls the orientation of the Chunk Progress Bar.
Controls if the Chunk Progress Bar is in indeterminate state. Read the Indeterminate article for more information.


Responsive ProgressBar

The progress bar will resize with the parent element dimensions when you set its width to 100%

<div style="width: 50%; border: 1px solid red;">

        .width-100 {
            width: 100%;

    <TelerikChunkProgressBar Class="width-100" Value="44" />

Next Steps

See Also