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This article showcases the available events in the Telerik Chip component, together with a complete example.


The OnClick event fires when the user clicks or taps on the Chip component. The event handler receives a ChipClickEventArgs object, which provides the value of the Text parameter of the clicked Chip.


The OnRemove event fires when the user clicks the remove icon of the Chip. The event handler receives a ChipRemoveEventArgs object which provides the value of the Text parameter of the clicked Chip. You can cancel the event by setting the IsCancelled property to true.


The SelectedChanged event fires when the Selectable parameter is true and the user clicks or taps the Chip to select/deselect it.


Handle the Chip events

<TelerikChip Selected="@IsChipSelected"
             SelectedChanged="@((bool value) => OnChipSelectedChanged(value))"

@(new MarkupString(Logger))

@code {
    private bool IsChipSelected { get; set; }
    private string Logger { get; set; }

    private void OnChipSelectedChanged(bool value)
        IsChipSelected = value;

    private void OnChipClick(ChipClickEventArgs args)
        Logger += $"The User click on {args.Text} <br />";

    private void OnChipRemove(ChipRemoveEventArgs args)
        Logger += $"The User removed {args.Text} <br />";

        args.IsCancelled = false; //set to true to cancel the event

See Also