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Label Template and Format

The Chart for Blazor can render labels on the axes, series data points, and legend. You can control those labels through the values in the Chart Data, but also through format strings and templates, including accessible aria templates.

To turn on series labels, set their Visible property to true under the corresponding ChartSeriesLabels tag. The series labels are turned off by default to avoid clutter and to make the Chart easier to read.

Format Strings

Where the labels are numerical (series values, the value axis), you can format those strings through the Format property of the corresponding labels inner tag. This lets you set standard numeric format strings to the values to showcase, for example, percentage, currency, and so on.

Format numerical values through format strings

        <ChartSeries Type="ChartSeriesType.Line"
            <ChartSeriesLabels Visible="true" Format="{0:C2}"></ChartSeriesLabels>

            <ChartValueAxisLabels Format="{0:C0}"></ChartValueAxisLabels>

    <ChartLegend Position="ChartLegendPosition.Right">

@code {
    private List<ChartModel> ChartData = new List<ChartModel>
        new ChartModel
            Value = 20000,
            Category = "2017"
        new ChartModel

            Value = 300000,
            Category = "2018"
        new ChartModel
            Value = 400000,
            Category = "2019"

    public class ChartModel
        public double Value { get; set; }
        public string Category { get; set; }


This section changed for product version 4.5.0. If you are using an older version, then download the PDF documentation for your version, or browse an older version of this documentation page.

To set a template for Chart labels, use the Template parameter in the corresponding inner ...Labels tag. For example, set Template to <ChartSeriesLabels> inside <ChartSeries>, or to <ChartValueAxisLabels> inside <ChartValueAxis>.

The Blazor Chart uses client-side rendering and the label templates are JavaScript-based. The Template parameter must point to a name of a JavaScript function, which is defined in the global scope. This function must return the formatted label as a plain text string. HTML markup inside the label template is not supported.

The JavaScript function for each label template will receive an argument that exposes different properties, depending on the template type. The mechanism is similar to the context of Blazor RenderFragments. The sections below list the available method argument properties:

Series Label Template

The Template function of ChartSeriesLabels exposes the following fields in the template context:

  • category - the category name. Available for Area, Bar, Column, Donut, Line, and Pie series.
  • dataItem - the original data item used to construct the point. Will be null if binding to array. Sample syntax: context.dataItem.MyPropertyName.
  • percentage - the point value represented as a percentage value. Available only for Donut, Pie and 100% stacked charts.
  • stackValue - the cumulative point value on the stack. Available only for stackable series.
  • value - the point value. Can be a number for categorical series or an object with x and y properties for numerical series.

Series Label Aria Template

The AriaTemplate parameter of ChartSeriesLabels allows the app to provide a unique accessible description for each Chart data point. The idea of AriaTemplate is to provide more detailed and contextual information to the user, compared to the default series labels. For example, the AriaTemplate can mention the data point category, rather than just the value. The accessible AriaTemplate renders as an aria-label HTML attribute, which screen readers will announce when the respective Chart series data point is focused. The JavaScript function exposes the same fields in the template context, as the series label template above.

When AriaTemplate is not defined, the Chart renders accessible data point labels that match the series label template. If a series label template is also not defined, the Chart renders an accessible data point label that matches the default series label.

AriaTemplate requires the Chart to render as SVG (the default behavior).

Category Axis Label Template

The Template function of CategoryAxisLabels exposes the following fields in the template context:

  • count - the number of labels on the axis
  • format - the numeric or date format of the label
  • index - the order index of the label
  • text - the label string if no template is used
  • value - the category value as a string, number or JavaScript Date object

X Axis Label Template

The Template function of XAxisLabels exposes the following fields in the template context:

  • count - the number of labels on the axis
  • format - the numeric or date format of the label
  • index - the order index of the label
  • text - the label string if no template is used
  • value - the label as a number or JavaScript Date object

Value and Y Axis Label Template

The Template function of ValueAxisLabels and YAxisLabels exposes the following fields in the template context:

  • count - the number of labels on the axis
  • format - the default or specified format of the label
  • index - the order index of the label
  • text - the label string if no template is used
  • value - the numeric representation of the label

Legend Item Label Template

The Template function of ChartLegendLabels exposes the following fields in the template context:

  • text - the text of the legend item
  • series - the data series object
  • value - the data point value. Available only for Donut and Pie charts.
  • percentage - the data point value as a number between 0 and 1. Available only for Donut, Pie and 100% stacked charts.

New Line in the Label Template

To add a new line in the label, use the new line character \n.

function chartLabelFunction(context) {
	return "foo \n " + contenxt.value;

Label Template in Categorical Charts

Using categorical Chart label templates for series, axes and legend

        <ChartSeries Type="ChartSeriesType.Column"
            <ChartSeriesLabels Visible="true"
        <ChartSeries Type="ChartSeriesType.Column"
            <ChartSeriesLabels Visible="true"

            <ChartCategoryAxisLabels Template="chartCategoryAxisLabelTemplate"></ChartCategoryAxisLabels>

        <ChartValueAxis Max="16">
            <ChartValueAxisLabels Template="chartValueAxisLabelTemplate"></ChartValueAxisLabels>

    <ChartTitle Text="Sales per Product"></ChartTitle>

    <ChartLegend Position="ChartLegendPosition.Top">
        <ChartLegendLabels Template="chartLegendItemLabelTemplate"></ChartLegendLabels>

        <ChartSeries Type="ChartSeriesType.Pie"
            <ChartSeriesLabels Visible="true"

    <ChartTitle Text="Phone Sales per Quarter"></ChartTitle>

    <ChartLegend Position="ChartLegendPosition.Right">
        <ChartLegendLabels Template="pieLegendItemLabelTemplate"></ChartLegendLabels>

<!-- Move JavaScript code to a separate JS file in production -->
<script suppress-error="BL9992">
    function chartSeriesLabelTemplate(context) {
        return "Value: " + context.value + " mln\n" +
            "Category: " + context.category + "\n" +
            "Extra info: " + context.dataItem.ExtraData;

    function chartSeriesAriaTemplate(context) {
        return "Value " + context.value + " mln, " +
            "Category: " + context.category + ", " +
            "Extra info: " + context.dataItem.ExtraData;

    function chartCategoryAxisLabelTemplate(context) {
        return context.value + " Quarter";

    function chartValueAxisLabelTemplate(context) {
        return context.value + " mln";

    function chartLegendItemLabelTemplate(context) {
        return context.text + " (" + context.series.color + ")";

    function pieLegendItemLabelTemplate(context) {
        return "&#8205;\n" + // prevent new line trimming
            "Text: " + context.text +
            "\nValue: " + context.value + " mln" +
            "\nPct: " + (context.percentage * 100).toFixed(2) + " %" +
            "\n&#8205;"; // prevent new line trimming

@code {
    private List<ChartModel> PhoneSales = new List<ChartModel>() {
        new ChartModel
            Category = "First",
            Value = 8.4,
            ExtraData = "one"
        new ChartModel
            Category = "Second",
            Value = 6.4,
            ExtraData = "two\nnew line"
        new ChartModel
            Category = "Third",
            Value = 11.8,
            ExtraData = "three"

    private List<ChartModel> LaptopSales = new List<ChartModel>() {
        new ChartModel
            Category = "First",
            Value = 7.2,
            ExtraData = "one"
        new ChartModel
            Category = "Second",
            Value = 10.4,
            ExtraData = "two\nnew line"
        new ChartModel
            Category = "Third",
            Value = 7.6,
            ExtraData = "three"

    public class ChartModel
        public string Category { get; set; } = string.Empty;
        public double Value { get; set; }
        public string ExtraData { get; set; } = string.Empty;

Label Template in Numerical Charts

Using numerical Chart label templates for series, axes and legend

    <ChartTitle Text="Signal Level vs. Errors per Minute"></ChartTitle>

        <ChartSeries Type="ChartSeriesType.Scatter"
                     Name="APSK modulation"
            <ChartSeriesLabels Visible="true"
                               AriaTemplate="chartSeriesAriaTemplate" />

        <ChartSeries Type="ChartSeriesType.Scatter"
                     Name="QAM modulation"
            <ChartSeriesLabels Visible="true"
                               AriaTemplate="chartSeriesAriaTemplate" />

        <ChartXAxis Min="-95" Max="-70" AxisCrossingValue="@(new object[] { -95 })">
            <ChartXAxisLabels Template="chartXAxisLabelTemplate" />

        <ChartYAxis Max="25" MajorUnit="5">
            <ChartYAxisLabels Template="chartYAxisLabelTemplate" />

    <ChartLegend Position="ChartLegendPosition.Top">
        <ChartLegendLabels Template="chartLegendItemLabelTemplate"></ChartLegendLabels>

<!-- Move JavaScript code to a separate JS file in production -->
<script suppress-error="BL9992">
    function chartSeriesLabelTemplate(context) {
        return "X Value: " + context.value.x + "\n" +
            "Y Value: " + context.value.y + "\n" +
            "Extra info: " + context.dataItem.ExtraData;

    function chartSeriesAriaTemplate(context) {
        return "X Value: " + context.value.x + ", " +
            "Y Value: " + context.value.y + ", " +
            "Extra info: " + context.dataItem.ExtraData;

    function chartXAxisLabelTemplate(context) {
        return context.value + " dBm " +
            "(" + (context.index + 1) + "/" + context.count +")";

    function chartYAxisLabelTemplate(context) {
        return context.value + " " +
            "(" + (context.index + 1) + "/" + context.count +")";

    function chartLegendItemLabelTemplate(context) {
        return context.text + " (" + context.series.color + ")";

@code {
    private List<ChartModel> Series1Data { get; set; } = new List<ChartModel>() {
       new ChartModel() { Signal = -92, Errors = 15, ExtraData = "foo 1" },
       new ChartModel() { Signal = -84, Errors = 7, ExtraData = "bar 1" },
       new ChartModel() { Signal = -75, Errors = 1, ExtraData = "baz 1" }

    private List<ChartModel> Series2Data { get; set; } = new List<ChartModel>() {
       new ChartModel() { Signal = -88, Errors = 18, ExtraData = "foo 2" },
       new ChartModel() { Signal = -78, Errors = 12, ExtraData = "bar 2" },

    public class ChartModel
        public decimal Signal { get; set; }
        public int Errors { get; set; }
        public string ExtraData { get; set; } = string.Empty;

Hide Label Conditionally

In some cases, you want the series to have labels, but certain data points must not have a label. For example, in a stacked series where a certain value is 0.

To do that, you need to:

  • Add conditional logic in the template that renders the desired content when your condition is met, and returns an empty string when it is not.
  • Ensure the label background is transparent so there are no leftover spots on the Chart.

Hide Chart labels with zero value

        <ChartSeries Type="ChartSeriesType.Column"
                     Name="Product 1 Sales"
            <ChartSeriesLabels Visible="true"
            <ChartSeriesStack Enabled="true"></ChartSeriesStack>
        <ChartSeries Type="ChartSeriesType.Column"
                     Name="Product 2 Sales"
            <ChartSeriesLabels Visible="true"

<!-- Move JavaScript code to a separate JS file in production -->
<script suppress-error="BL9992">
    function chartSeriesLabelTemplate(context) {
        if (context.value != 0) {
            return context.value + " mln";
        else {
            return "";

@code {
    private List<ChartModel> ChartData = new List<ChartModel>()
        new ChartModel
            Value1 = 3,
            Value2 = 2,
            Category = "Q1"
        new ChartModel
            Value1 = 1,
            Value2 = 0,
            Category = "Q2"
        new ChartModel
            Value1 = 0,
            Value2 = 0,
            Category = "Q3"

    public class ChartModel
        public double Value1 { get; set; }
        public double Value2 { get; set; }
        public string Category { get; set; } = string.Empty;

See Also