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QRCode Types

The component exposes the following QRCode types:

Swiss QRCode Type

The QRCode component supports the Swiss QR Code format. Enabling the Swiss type of the overlay will add a Swiss cross in the QR Code.

The following implementation demonstrates the code needed for the Swiss Type:

An example of a Swiss QR Type implementation

@* This code snippet showcases an example of Swiss type QR code. *@

<TelerikQRCode Size="200px"
    <QRCodeOverlay Type="@QRCodeOverlayType.Swiss" />

@code {
    string value = "SPC  0200  1  CH4431999123000889012  S  " +
            "Robert Schneider AG  Rue du Lac  1268  2501  Biel  CH  1949.75  CHF  " +
            "S  Pia-Maria Rutschmann-Schnyder  Grosse Marktgasse  28  9400  Rorschach  CH  " +
            "QRR  210000000003139471430009017 Order of 15 June 2020  EPD  " +
            "//S1/10/10201409/11/200701/20/140.000-53/30/102673831/31/200615/32/7.7/33/7.7:139.40/40/0:30" +
            "  Name AV1: UV;UltraPay005;12345  Name AV2: XY;XYService;54321";

The result from the above code snippet

Blazor Qrcode Swiss Type

Image QRCode Type

The image type of the overlay is adding an image in the QR Code.

The following implementation demonstrates the code needed for the Image Type:

An example of a QRCode Image Type implementation

@* This code snippet showcases an example of image type QR code. *@

<TelerikQRCode Size="200px"
    <QRCodeOverlay Type="@QRCodeOverlayType.Image" ImageUrl="" />

The result from the above code snippet

Blazor Qrcode Image Type

See Also