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AIPrompt Commands View

The Commands View displays a set of predefined commands, which the user can browse and execute. The commands are passed to the component through the Commands parameter, which expects a collection of type List<AIPromptCommandDescriptor>. You can also organize commands in a hierarchy, through parent-child relationships.

Parent commands cannot be directly executed, and only one level of nesting is supported.

AIPromptCommandDescriptor Parameters

The following properties enable you to customize each command:

IdstringThe Id of the command.
TitlestringThe title of the command. Rendered as text within the Command view.
IconobjectThe Telerik Font or SVG icon rendered before the title within the Command view.
ChildrenList<AIPromptCommandDescriptor>The nested commands (if any) of the command.

Using the Commands parameter to pass a collection of predefined commands to the AIPrompt for Blazor

<TelerikAIPrompt OnPromptRequest="@HandlePromptRequest"

@code {
    private List<AIPromptCommandDescriptor> PromptCommands { get; set; } = new List<AIPromptCommandDescriptor>()
        new AIPromptCommandDescriptor() { Id = "1", Title = "Correct Spelling and grammar", Icon = SvgIcon.SpellChecker },
        new AIPromptCommandDescriptor() { Id = "2", Title = "Change Tone", Icon = SvgIcon.TellAFriend,
            Children = new List<AIPromptCommandDescriptor>
                new AIPromptCommandDescriptor() { Id = "3", Title = "Professional" },
                new AIPromptCommandDescriptor() { Id = "4", Title = "Conversational" },
                new AIPromptCommandDescriptor() { Id = "5", Title = "Humorous" },
                new AIPromptCommandDescriptor() { Id = "6", Title = "Empathic" },
                new AIPromptCommandDescriptor() { Id = "7", Title = "Academic" },
        new AIPromptCommandDescriptor() { Id = "8", Title = "Change Formality", Icon = SvgIcon.ApplyFormat,
            Children = new List<AIPromptCommandDescriptor>
                new AIPromptCommandDescriptor() { Id = "9", Title = "Casual" },
                new AIPromptCommandDescriptor() { Id = "10", Title = "Neutral" },
                new AIPromptCommandDescriptor() { Id = "11", Title = "Formal" },
        new AIPromptCommandDescriptor() { Id = "12", Title = "Translate", Icon = SvgIcon.EditTools,
            Children = new List<AIPromptCommandDescriptor>
                new AIPromptCommandDescriptor() { Id = "13", Title = "English" },
                new AIPromptCommandDescriptor() { Id = "14", Title = "Bulgarian" },
                new AIPromptCommandDescriptor() { Id = "15", Title = "Spanish" },
        new AIPromptCommandDescriptor() { Id = "16", Title = "Simplify", Icon = SvgIcon.MinWidth },
        new AIPromptCommandDescriptor() { Id = "17", Title = "Expand", Icon = SvgIcon.MaxWidth },

    private void HandlePromptRequest(AIPromptPromptRequestEventArgs args)
        // The example uses dummy data intentionally. Replace the hard-coded string with a call to your AI API.
        args.Output = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Vel pretium lectus quam id leo in.";

    private void HandleCommandExecute(AIPromptCommandExecuteEventArgs args)
        // The example uses dummy data intentionally. Replace the hard-coded string with a call to your AI API.
        args.Output = "Nisl pretium fusce id velit ut tortor pretium. A pellentesque sit amet porttitor eget dolor. Lectus mauris ultrices eros in cursus turpis massa tincidunt.";

See Also