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Displaying a Nested Grid in a Grid Column Template


ProductTelerik UI for ASP.NET Core Grid
Progress Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core versionCreated with the 2024.2.514 version


How can I display a button in a specified Grid column that toggles a nested Grid?


Here are the steps for implementation:

  1. Integrate a Button and a hidden Grid in the main Grid's column by using the Template component:

        .Columns(columns =>
            columns.Bound(f => f.Id)
                    .AddComponent(x => x
                        .Events(ev => ev.Click("onDetailsClick"))
                    .AddHtml("<div class='gridContainer'>")
                    .AddComponent(x => x
                            .AutoBind(false) // Prevent the initial Read request during the Grid's initialization.
                            .Columns(c =>
                                c.Bound(x => x.Id);
                                c.Bound(x => x.Name);
                            .HtmlAttributes(new { style = "height: 200px;"})
                            .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
                                .Read(read => read.Action("DetailsRead", "Grid"))
        // Other configuration.
  2. Hide the div element that wraps the Grid declaration:

        .gridContainer {
            display: none;
  3. Handle the click event of the Expand button and toggle the Grid's container.

Get a reference to the Grid and call the read() method of its DataSource by passing the Id field to the server to filter the data based on the data item of the current row (the main Grid's row).

    function onDetailsClick(e) {
        var id = $("id").split("_")[1];
        var btnLabel = $(".k-button-text").html(); // Get the current label of the Button.
        if (btnLabel == "Expand") {
        } else $(".k-button-text").html("Expand");

        $(; // Toggle the visibility of the nested Grid.
        var grid = $(`#detailsGrid_${id}`).data("kendoGrid"){ parentId: id });

More ASP.NET Core Grid Resources

See Also