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Setting Custom Colors for the Chart Series
Product | Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core Chart |
Progress Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core version | Created with the 2022.2.621 version |
How to set custom colors for each series of the Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core Chart?
Store the colors values in an array.
By using the setOptions method, set the colors for the series.
Index.cshtml<div class="demo-section k-content wide"> @(Html.Kendo().Chart() .Name("chart") .Title("Site Visitors Stats /thousands/") .Legend(legend => legend .Position(ChartLegendPosition.Bottom) ) .Transitions(true) .SeriesDefaults(seriesDefaults => seriesDefaults .Column() ) .Series(series => { series.Column(new double[] { 56000, 63000, 74000, 91000, 117000, 138000 }).Name("Total Visits"); series.Column(new double[] { 52000, 34000, 23000, 48000, 67000, 83000 }).Name("Unique visitors"); series.Column(new double[] { 68000, 40000, 45000, 22000, 11000, 6000 }).Name("Unique visitors"); }) .CategoryAxis(axis => axis .Categories("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun") .MajorGridLines(lines => lines.Visible(false)) ) .ValueAxis(axis => axis .Numeric() .Line(line => line.Visible(false)) ) .Tooltip(tooltip => tooltip .Visible(true) .Format("{0}") ) ) </div> <div> @(Html.Kendo().ColorPicker() .Name("serieOne") .Buttons(false) .Preview(false) .Value("#ffffff") .Events(ev =>ev.Change("serieOne")) ) @(Html.Kendo().ColorPicker() .Name("serieTwo") .Buttons(false) .Preview(false) .Value("#ffffff") .Events(ev => ev.Change("serieTwo")) ) @(Html.Kendo().ColorPicker() .Name("serieThree") .TileSize(tile=> { tile.Height(19); tile.Width(34); }) .Buttons(false) .Preview(false) .Value("#ffffff") .Events(ev => ev.Change("serieThree")) ) @(Html.Kendo().Button() .Name("setColorBtn") .Content("Set colors") .Events(e=>e.Click("onClick")) ) </div>
For the complete implementation of the suggested approach, refer to the following Telerik REPL example.