
Telerik UI for WPF

Release History

UI for WPF R2 2023

June 7, 2023

What's New

  • RadSlideView is a flexible navigation control that allows you to slide between different views, thus providing an interactive navigation. With it, you can build a gallery display to show your images and content efficiently.
  • The RadPipsPager component lets the user navigate a linearly paginated collection using glyphs also known as pips.
  • Introduced compact mode for the Windows 11 theme.


  • Degraded performance on text search filtering with huge amount of data (100k+ items).


  • NullReferenceException when MinorTicksPerMajor of the axis is set and the chart gets unloaded.
  • Trackball visuals go outside the plot area on zoom-in or pan.


  • Placing the control in panel that measures it with infinity causes it to gradually increase its size.


  • Items in the drop-down menu flicker when Windows 11 theme is applied.


  • Allow drag drop of panes between multiple docking instances.
  • The Windows 11 theme exhibits an undesirable transparent horizontal line between the header and body of the Floating Pane.


  • ArithmeticException is thrown when the device model profile of the OS is set to sRGB virtual device model profile.


  • Introduced functionality for matching the exact value of the input value when using Search as You Type feature through the new MatchExact value of the SearchMode enumeration.
  • ArgumentNullException is thrown when the ItemsSource is an empty ICustomTypeDescriptor collection and a column is added.
  • When the KeepDropDownOpen property is False, a context menu does not open on the RadGridView element.
  • A screen reader reads column display indexes incorrectly when columns are frozen on the right.


  • Setting Mode to OneWay when binding the SelectedItem property, does not update the UI with the new value.

PDF Viewer

  • Handled invalid /NULL name encoding for Type1 and TrueType fonts.
  • Introduced an option to replace the predefined Standard Fonts.
  • An ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown when importing documents with no page content.
  • An ArgumentException is thrown when importing .notdef glyph.
  • Some glyph geometries from Type1 fonts are not rendered correctly.
  • The position of unsupported annotation is not calculated as expected when its bounding box starts from a position different than 0.
  • Wrong rendering of glyphs with a specific Type1 font.
  • The CurrentPageTextBox does not get the correct theme.


  • Handled invalid /NULL name encoding for Type1 and TrueType fonts.
  • Introduced an option to replace the predefined Standard Fonts.
  • Introduced export for standard fonts with custom encoding.
  • Introduced setting in PdfStreamWriter that allows exporting images with no compression.
  • Introduced public API for setting default stream compression when exporting PDF files.
  • Errors are thrown when validating signed PDF files with VeraPdf and other validators.
  • Images are exported flipped, zoomed, and cropped.
  • IOException is thrown when an object in the cross-reference stream has a negative offset.
  • Slow import of documents containing Shadings Pattern and ICCBased ColorSpace.
  • The CalGray color space properties are not correctly exported in an array.
  • An ArgumentException is thrown when importing .notdef glyph.
  • An ArgumentException is thrown when trying to clone a document containing SignatureField.
  • Generated PDF files are not PDF/A compliant according to some validation tools.
  • An InvalidCastException is thrown when importing documents where the endobj keyword is not on a new line.
  • А KeyNotFoundException exception is thrown with MacintoshNonSymbolic platform type and WinAnsiEncoding.
  • A KeyNotFoundException exception is thrown when there are missing characters in the document.
  • A KeyNotFoundException is thrown when there is a symbolic font with predefined encoding.
  • Some operators cannot be correctly parsed which causes incomplete import.
  • Wrong encoding is used when the PDF file contains font with custom encoding.
  • An ArgumentException is thrown when importing .notdef glyph.
  • Glyphs are rendered with different font when trying to create Block with ZapfDingbats.
  • Some glyph geometries from Type1 fonts are not rendered correctly.
  • The position of unsupported annotation is not calculated as expected when its bounding box starts from a position different than 0.
  • Wrong rendering of glyphs with a specific Type1 font.
  • An EndOfStreamException is thrown when importing a document with startxref pointing to the end of the document.
  • ImageUtils: MissingMethodException is thrown when using a bigger than 2.0 ImageSharp version.


  • Added an option to display nested properties as a hierarchy by setting the EnableHierarchy property of the LocalDataSourceProvider.
  • The GetUnderlyingData method does not return correct data when applying a label filter.


  • Enhanced Maximized Glyph Icon for RibbonWindow in Windows 11 theme.
  • NullReferenceException when the control is minimized initially and RibbonTab's IsSelected is set in XAML.
  • Make the active area of the resize handle of the RadRibbonWindow wider.


  • InvalidCastException is thrown when importing a document containing multiple unclosed fields.
  • Annotation markers are not properly deleted when the text ends with at least two zero-width spaces in succession.
  • Copying check box content control with non-default checked/unchecked symbols causes them to reset.
  • Cursor jumps to the previous cell when one enters Korean text in a cell.
  • Expanding the table selection with the keyboard leaves the caret behind the selection's edges.
  • Exporting Hyperlink with InlineUIContainer inside it causes StackOverflowException.
  • InlineUIContainer inside a ReadOnlyRange throws StackOverflowException on export to XAML.
  • Using advanced selection at line-start upwards select the first word on the initial line.
  • Using keyboard selection over several table rows is inconsistent.


  • Applying text format to a column also sets the format to the next column.
  • AutoFitWidth when there are Conditional formattings sometimes causes NullReferenceException.
  • Importing an XLS file causes NullReferenceException due to fill color.
  • When the Spreadsheet ribbon has a custom template and styles collection is edited, a NullReferenceException is thrown.
  • A conditional formatting rule with a custom formula with reference to another sheet is lost when importing a file generated from Microsoft Excel.
  • Copying a cell with a LessThan conditional formatting rule throws a Null reference exception.
  • Sequence contains no matching element exception is thrown in files containing notes or comments.
  • An InvalidOperationException is thrown in the ValueContextResolver when importing a document that contains conditional formatting.


  • AutoFitWidth when there are Conditional formattings sometimes causes NullReferenceException.
  • When the Spreadsheet ribbon has a custom template and styles collection is edited, a NullReferenceException is thrown.
  • Copying a cell with a LessThan conditional formatting rule throws a Null reference exception.


  • Introduced support for importing rich text as plain text.


  • Added new options in the search panel and search find/replace API - regex, case sensitive, match whole word.
  • The exception is thrown when the control is disabled with the Expression_Dark theme applied with StyleManager.


  • The popup of the drop down button disconnects from the toggle button when toolbar is scrolled in parent scrollviewer.


  • The tooltip content gets empty if the owner element gets unloaded and loaded fast.


  • Introduced an option to perform selection on MouseLeftButtonUp through the new PerformSelectionOnMouseUp property.


  • Changing the ColumnWidth property while having pinned columns results in an ArgumentOutOfRangeException.


  • Diacritics characters are duplicated on the wrong key buttons.
  • The Alt key is not toggled in the UI when the physical Alt is pressed.


  • Main window goes behind other apps when a child window is closed.


  • HtmlFormatProvider: Introduced support for setting color values using the rgb() function. Available in NET 4.5 and above.
  • Unify the support of CSS shorthand/longhand properties. Available in NET 4.5 and above.
  • Invalid list layout when converting to PDF and the list includes several pages.
  • Empty paragraphs at the end of a table cell are ignored on import from RTF.
  • Empty table row is exported to PDF with different height.
  • The header is not imported when it contains a watermark.
  • A KeyNotFoundException is thrown when importing an RTF that references a not declared font.
  • The mail merge does not work if the template contains a Table of Contents.
  • An ArgumentException is thrown due to incorrect measurement of block elements inside TableCell.
  • Exporting to PDF documents containing empty table rows results in 0 height of the rows.
  • Table row which has defined only 'val' attribute of the 'trHeight' is imported as row with auto height.
  • The forecolor of table cells text is not preserved when exporting to PDF.
  • PdfFormatProvider: The image in the header is not exported to pdf.
  • HTML files encoded with Little Endian could not be imported correctly. Available in NET 4.5 and above.

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