
Telerik UI for WPF

Release History

UI for WPF R2 2022

May 11, 2022

What's New

  • PdfProcessing now has a setting that allows choosing if the fonts should be embedded in the document.
  • Introduced support for Conditional Formatting in Spreadsheet.
  • Spreadsheet now supports Comments (Threaded Comments).
  • Introduced a new VirtualKeyboard component that mimics a physical keyboard.
  • Introduced the Windows 11 theme - designed to be easily approachable, engaging and modern. Inspired by the visual evolution of the Windows 11 operating system. Comes with built-in Light and Dark color variations, windows effects helper featuring the Mica and Acrylic effects and the ability to automatically switch between the variations depending on the default OS app mode and accent color.
  • Added support for placing custom controls in the RadVirtualGrid's cells through the new CellTemplateNeeded event.
  • Introduced support for minor ticks in Cartesian and Polar charts. NumericalAxis (Linear, Logarithmic), DateTimeContinuousAxis, PolarAxis, and NumericRadialAxis provide MinorTicksPerMajor property to set the number of minor ticks per major interval as well as properties for visual customization. Also, CartesianChartGrid and PolarChartGrid now provide support for minor grid lines and minor stripes.
  • Added scaling and fit-to-pages settings in RadDiagram's PrintPreviewDialog. Also added the option to set the position of the diagram over the printed pages. All new settings are available for programmatic printing via RadDiagramPrintSettings provided to the Print method of RadDiagram.
  • Introduced support for .Net 7 preview (7.0.100-preview.1.22110.4).


  • Enrich the built-in TelerikWebUI font with new glyphs.


  • No results are displayed if ItemsSource is assigned async while the drop down is opened.


  • When the control has an ancestor with UseLayoutRounding set to true and a higher DPI (e.g. 125%), the spinner ellipse(s) appear cut-off in the Windows8Touch, Office2016, Office2016Touch, Material, Fluent, and Office2019 themes.
  • The foreground color is updated from AccentBackgroundBrush to MainForegroundBrush in the Office2019 theme.


  • An output binding error is displayed because of an AncestorType binding to the ChartLegend's LegendItemMarkerShape property.


  • Introduced support for minor ticks in Cartesian and Polar charts. NumericalAxis (Linear, Logarithmic), DateTimeContinuousAxis, PolarAxis, and NumericRadialAxis provide MinorTicksPerMajor property to set the number of minor ticks per major interval as well as properties for visual customization. Also, CartesianChartGrid and PolarChartGrid now provide support for minor grid lines and minor stripes.
  • Add properties to control the tension of the spline in the chart's spline series.
  • PolarChartGrid stripes are placed over lines when in data-bound scenario.


  • Implement chart series view models support via SeriesProvider feature.


  • NullReferenceException is thrown when the IsDropDownOpen property is set to True initially.
  • Duplicated Color entry with value #FF808080 in the default MainPalette.


  • Added ShowKeyboardCuesOnOpen property that indicates whether the keyboard cues should appear when opening the menu.
  • Now the menu shows access keys when opened through keyboard.


  • Added option to attach Desktop AlertManager to a Window. The Desktop Alerts will be shown on the display on which the Window is located.


  • Added scaling and fit-to-pages settings in PrintPreviewDialog. Also added the option to set the position of the diagram over the printed pages. All new settings are available for programmatic printing via RadDiagramPrintSettings provided to the Print method of RadDiagram.
  • ContainerShapes leak in memory when graphsource is cleared and re-set.
  • InvalidCastException in ContainerNodeViewModelBase when clearing shapes and generic type is set to NodeViewModelBase.
  • Dragging both shape and its grandparent container shape repositions the shape incorrectly.


  • NullReferenceException is thrown when using the QueryableEntityCoreCollectionView class.


  • Added the option to zoom in and out with Ctrl + MouseWheel by setting the new EnableMouseWheelScaling property to True. Added an option to programmatically zoom in/out via the new ScaleFactor property.
  • Added the possibility to filter the distinct values in the FilteringControl by setting the EnableDistinctValuesFiltering property of the column to True. The filtering mode can be controlled by setting the DistinctValuesSearchMode property.
  • Not all rows are shown when the RadGridView is placed inside a RadPane and the GroupRenderMode is Flat.
  • Setting a RadGridView for PanelBarItem's content does not display all of its rows when GroupRenderMode is Flat.
  • Vertical scrollbar disappears when expand and collapse the last parent item in hierarchical data scenario.
  • NullReferenceException with searching when a HighlightTextBlock is in CellTemplate.
  • When GridView is bound to items (ICustomTypeDescriptor) which contain a property with a dot in the name, the values in the column are not shown.
  • Aggregates functions' results are not shown initially when using the AddRange method to update the GroupDescriptors collection property.
  • Editing cell values on a touch screen device is not possible.
  • The selection is invalid when the grid is bound to VirtualQueryableCollectionView, all items are selected and the grid is scrolled so more items are loaded.
  • When a column that is frozen on the left is resized to take all available space, it cannot be resized back.
  • When the control is grouped by a GridViewMultiComboBoxColumn the content of the GroupHeaderRow is incorrect.
  • When filtering a GridViewMultiComboBoxColumn the values in the filter popup are not set to the DisplayMemberPath.


  • Keyboard arrow keys navigation stops working when item is selected with touch input.


  • 'ZoomIn' MouseSelectionMode mode now sets the Zoom property instead of the zoom level for a more precise zooming experience.
  • SetView(rect, bool) method with useFractionZoom parameter set to true returns wrong viewport when the width of the rectangle is bigger than the height.
  • Incorrect MapShapeData geometry when map is zoomed in to non-integer value and then zoomed out back again to integer value.


  • Cannot enter values in the control with keyboard if modal window is opened in LostFocus event of foreign control triggered by MouseDown in the mask control.
  • The disabled background color is updated to be the same as other input controls in Office_Black, Office_Silver, Office_Blue, Expression_Dark, Summer, Transparent, Vista, Windows7 themes.

MS Controls

  • The TextBox control's customization capabilities are now improved with the use of the new ReadOnlyBackground, ReadOnlyBrush, DisabledBackground, and DisabledBrush properties of the ThemeHelper class.

PDF Viewer

  • Memory leak when printing documents.


  • Implemented a setting that allows choosing if the fonts should be embedded in the document.
  • NotImplementedException is thrown when exporting a document with a Type 1 font with custom encoding.
  • Rows are not drawn if the previous row is split into different pages and has row span.
  • ArgumentNullException is thrown when importing a document containing Widget annotation with normal appearance dictionary set to null.
  • The table alignment is not maintained when the table is split into multiple pages.


  • Named sets are placed in a correctly named folder, read from a cube's metadata.
  • InvalidOperationException when adding a field from the PivotFieldList when the control is not on the UI thread.
  • InvalidDataContractException when serializing LocalDataSourceProvider with a calculation (TotalFormat) in Net Core, .Net 5 and .Net 6 projects.


  • All items are regenerated even if a single item is added/removed from the ItemsSource.


  • An ArgumentException is thrown when running the control in .NET Core project.
  • An InvalidCastException is thrown when importing a file with a drawing containing NonVisualConnectorProperties.
  • An exported document containing ComboBox control fails to load inside Microsoft Word.
  • Find and replace dialog does not set focus on Text to Find textbox.
  • EMF images cannot be visualized when importing from HTML.
  • The layout hangs when importing HTML with nested tables and setting the padding of all cells.


  • DayStartTime of MonthViewDefinition cannot be changed.
  • The selected month of the yearly recurrence pattern in the dialog is now correct when using Persian calendar.


  • Added support for Comments (Threaded Comments).
  • Various Conditional Formatting improvements.
  • Implement cell reference to whole columns and rows, e.g. $1:$2 and A:D.
  • DataTableFormatProvider: One should be able to set the AllowDBNull property of each column.
  • Handled import of documents containing unclosed <br> elements in the vmlDrawing part.
  • Added CONCAT to the supported functions.
  • ArgumentException is thrown when importing an XLSX document with a comment (Note) without an author.
  • An exception is thrown when converting to PDF and there are cells with a width less than 5.
  • Conditional Formatting is exported for the active sheet only.
  • NullReferenceException is thrown when Undo is clicked and Clear Contents of an image is performed.
  • When а document with consecutive dfsx-es is imported, an ArgumentOutOfRangeException may be thrown.
  • SpreadProcessing: The codeName attribute of sheet properties is not preserved on import/export.
  • NullReferenceException upon changing the format of the first value of the first range of a chart if the chart does not have axes.
  • The Changing event arguments in FilteredShapeCollection class are changed from ShapeCollectionChangedEventArgs to ShapeCollectionChangingEventArgs.


  • Introduced support for Conditional Formatting.
  • Spreadsheet: Working with Comments (Threaded Comments).
  • Implement cell reference to whole columns and rows, e.g. $1:$2 and A:D.
  • NullReferenceException is thrown when Undo is clicked and Clear Contents of an image is performed.
  • SpreadProcessing: The codeName attribute of sheet properties is not preserved on import/export.


  • Improve the look of the disabled state when an item is completed.


  • Tiles not displayed initially with Orientation=Horizontal and GroupHeaderHeight=Auto.


  • EndEdit method of IEditableObject is fired on begin edit of a cell.


  • BringPathIntoView is not successful when invoked on loaded, treeview is placed in dropdowncontent and animations are enabled.


  • Added support for placing custom controls in the grid's cells through the new CellTemplateNeeded event.
  • The RadVirtualGrid now removes all pinned rows when filtering or sorting is applied and does not allow pinning rows in that state. The control restores the pinned rows when the view is no longer filtered or sorted.


  • Introduced support for continuous section break when exporting to PDF.
  • Introduced support for descr attribute of the NonVisualDrawingProperties for a shape/image when working with DOCX.
  • HtmlFormatProvider should always export image tag's alt property even if its value is empty.
  • Introduced support for image alternate text when importing and exporting HTML documents.
  • InvalidOperationException/ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown while importing table cells with vMerge and hMerge attributes.
  • Field code fragment consisting of multiple inlines is added to the result fragment when exporting to PDF or HTML format.
  • An exported document containing ComboBox control fails to load inside Microsoft Word.
  • NullReferenceException is thrown when inserting a document containing fields without a separator.
  • NullReferenceException is thrown when an IF field has no FalseText.
  • ArgumentException is thrown when importing CSS variable/attribute with an empty value.
  • Floating images positioned outside of page borders are moved inside the page.

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