
Telerik UI for WPF

Release History

UI for WPF R2 2018

May 16, 2018

What's New

  • RadChat (Conversational UI) - The new addition to UI for WPF enables an easy implementation of conversational UI in WPF applications, whether by utilizing certain chatbot framework, by following a predefined logical tree, or just for integrating P2P chat capabilities.
  • Animations for chart series in RadChartView.
  • Format painter in RichTextBox.

All Controls

  • Included NuGet packages as part of the weekly internal builds.
  • RadGlyph to support TelerikWebUI font glyphs alongside with exporting to ImageSource and Geometry.
  • Introduced separator support for UpperCaseConverter via ConverterParameter.


  • AsyncFilteringBehavior can lead to OperationCanceledException.


  • RadioButton looks disabled when it is checked and unfocused in Fluent theme.


  • Added series and point animations to chart series. It is now possible to animate the paths which define the series and datapoints with various animations like move, scale, reveal, fade.


  • Control instance is not disposed in some scenarios with RadDocking.
  • FindMatchingIndexes virtual method of ComboBoxFilteringBehavior is not called when there aren't any matches.


  • InputGestureText does not inherit VerticalContentAlignment from RadMenuItem in all themes.


  • FilterEditor is not visible when Material and Fluent themes are set through StyleManager.


  • NumericButton stays checked after canceling the PageIndexChanging event.


  • Background is not changed when acrylic is disabled in Fluent theme.


  • In OpenFolderDialog, user should be able to select a folder from the navigation tree as well.
  • Implemented a possibility to expand and bring into view the current tree view item of the main navigation pane.
  • Implemented show hidden files functionality.
  • Implemented Ctrl + V, Ctrl + X, Ctrl + C, Delete commands.
  • Implemented ContextMenu usage on empty spaces in main pane.
  • Implemented DragDrop functionality in navigation tree and main pane.
  • ExplorerControl can now be used as standalone control in XAML, outside dialogs. It has many dependency properties like IsFolderBrowser , Multiselect, Layout, IsDragDropEnabled, SelectedFileName, CurrentDirectoryPath, ShowHiddenFiles, ExpandToCurrentDirectory, Filter etc. which enable rich file/folder choosing and browsing experience.
  • OpenFolderDialog doesn't return the current opened folder if there is no selection and no filename in autocomplete.
  • Exception in OpenFolderDialog when selecting a drive and then pressing 'Open Folder' button.


  • InvalidOperationException for logical child when Small/Large/Normal content is set to a Visual which has other logical parent.


  • GanttView flickers when Width="AutoHeaderAndContent" and hovered for the first time.
  • High CPU usage when resizing columns.
  • General performance hit when the DPI is higher than 100%.
  • Columns with AutoHeaderAndContent Width are not sized correctly initially.
  • Resizing the grid columns on higher than 100% DPI setting leads to unresponsive performance.
  • GanttView is not displayed when the DPI is higher than 100%.


  • FilterDescriptor now respects Globalization.Culture. Use one of the new constructors with CultureInfo cultureInfo parameter.
  • Implemented CanUserGroupColumns property.
  • Added an option to exclude column from "search as you type".
  • Implemented SearchAsYouType support for dynamic objects.
  • GridViewComboboxColumn now supports EmptyText.
  • Disable group expand behavior on PropertyChanged.
  • Selecting multiple sorted items with Extended SelectionMode hangs the UI.
  • Adding items with newline content displaces the vertical scrollbar, if there are multiple items with variable height.
  • InvalidCastException is thrown when the type of the Count of the Queryable source is long.
  • When sorting in a grouped grid the GridViewGroupRow disappears in Green, Office2016, Office2016Touch, Material and Fluent themes.
  • ColumnGroupHeader does not get generated for columns with DisplayIndex.
  • There is no selected item in ComoboxColumn when its ItemsSource is set with delay, in all themes except Green, Office2016, Office2016Touch, Fluent and Material.
  • Control instance is not disposed in some scenarios with RadDocking and IsPropertyChangedAggregationEnabled is True (default).
  • A DataTrigger in ToolTipTemplate or ToolTipTemplateSelector of a GridViewColumn is not respected.
  • Poor performance when selecting all items and then sorting.
  • NullReferenceException in the FlatLayoutStrategy.ScrollRowIndexIntoView.
  • A NullReferenceException could be thrown in PrepareCellToolTip after entering in Edit mode.
  • DisplayMemberPath of GridViewComboboxColumn should be copied rather than SelectedValueMemberPath when DataMemberBinding is a nested property.
  • А gap is observed at the bottom of the control's dropdown with the default MaxDropDownHeight and ComboBoxItems' Height that are set in Office2016 and VisualStudio2013 themes.
  • SelectedItem is not updated properly in a grouped scenario.
  • Placing text in quotes after exclude search operator and search getting the wrong result.


  • The Bounds of the ClusterData's object has wrong East value when AutoCalculateBounds is True.
  • Toolbar is misplaced when CommandBarVisibility is set to Collapsed in VisualStudio2013, Office2013 and Windows8 themes.


  • Implemented built-in Regex validation through the ValidationRegex property of RadMaskedTextInput. Include couple of predefined Regex strings (for IP and Email), located in the ValidationHelper class.
  • Caret does not move when trying to replace the symbol after a literal symbol in ReplaceMode.

MS Controls

  • AccessKey cannot be applied to System.Windows.Button and System.Windows.RepeatButton in Material and Fluent themes.
  • When vertical-oriented and HorizontalAlignment is set to Stretch it has a wrong cursor compared with the default MS style.


  • Implemented IsContentPreserved property for preserving the content of the selected tabs.

PDF Viewer

  • Glyphs are rendered with wrong stroke width.
  • Text is blank when the file contains a reference to a font that is not included in the file.
  • Missing form fields caused by handled exception during RadioButton options import.
  • Unexpected geometries are drawn when a PDF file contains not immediately stroked closed geometries.
  • TextField font size is different when typing and when applying the input value.
  • Missing content due to font defined using empty string for FontFamily in its font descriptor.
  • VariableContentWidget UI controls are invisible in Fluent, Green, Material and Office2016 themes.


  • Implemented import of SC and SCN content stream operators for all color spaces.
  • Implemented import and export of DeviceN color space.
  • Implemented import and export of Separation color space.
  • Implement import for "K" and "k" CMYK color space operators.
  • Implemented import and export for all PDF function types.
  • Implemented support for encrypted documents when using PdfFileSource class.
  • Cloning SignatureField without Signature causes NullReferenceException.
  • InvalidCastException is thrown when parsing dictionary end without having dictionary start.
  • ArgumentNullException is thrown when exporting document that uses OpenType Font.
  • Exception is thrown when importing document with LZWDecode and Indexed Colorspace.
  • Wrong colors when importing documents with Indexed color space.
  • NotImplementedException occurs when importing pattern which uses unsupported colorspace.


  • Performance increased when comparing instances of HierarchicalIndex.
  • Introduced format painter functionality which allows copying format from one part of the text to another.
  • Performance problem when undoing deletion of text with many hyperlinks.
  • Find/Replace does not work properly when replacing word with digits.
  • The caret is drawn over letters in some cases.
  • Exception during layout of a document with floating image as first element on the second page.
  • Replacing string with the same string but in upper case leads to infinite loop.
  • KeyNotFoundException is thrown when exporting fragments to RTF or DOCX due to incorrectly preserved Next style property for elements other than Paragraph.
  • ArgumentException is thrown when importing an image with invalid metadata.
  • InvalidCastException is thrown when undoing character-properties editing commands applied on content wrapped in annotation ranges.
  • Importing documents with negative TabStop positions causes ArgumentOutOfRangeException.
  • Poor delete/undo delete performance with large number of AnnotationRanges.
  • Table with width set to 0 is imported with 0 width from HTML.
  • NullReferenceException is thrown when continuously working with a hyperlink.
  • Missing Spanish and French translations for the "Text Wrapping" string in FloatingBlockPropertiesDialog.


  • Implemented Today Button in the NavigationHeader.


  • Implemented automatic scaling options when printing and exporting to PDF.
  • KeyNotFoundException is thrown due to missing built in number formats with id 5, 6, 7, 8.
  • WorksheetPageSetup default paper type is now Letter.


  • Implemented automatic scaling options when printing and exporting to PDF.
  • Instantiating the control in two different threads throws InvalidOperationException.
  • WorksheetPageSetup default paper type is now Letter.


  • Poor performance when selecting all items with Extended SelectionMode.
  • Cells from the first left frozen column overlap with those from the next column when column virtualization is switched off.
  • Degraded performance when loading new items and source collection is INotifyCollectionChanged


  • Wrong background of RadTreeViewItem when selected and mouse over when animation is disabled in Material theme.


  • RadPrompt's TextBox does not receive theme from parent with StyleManager in Green, Material, Fluent themes.


  • Exporting Runs without set text to PDF throws NullReferenceException.

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