
Telerik UI for WPF

Release History

UI for WPF R2 2016 SP1

June 14, 2016

New Control

  • LayoutControl (Beta)
    • The new addition to the UI for WPF is a flexible component that allows you to arrange visual elements inside its boundaries. Thus helping you to create complex layouts that can be rearranged at runtime. It is now changed from CTP to Beta.


  • Exposed override for HandleKeyDown method.
  • When RadAutoCompleteBox is placed inside ScrollViewer and its dropdown is open, scrolling with the mouse wheel scrolls only the textbox.
  • Two mouse clicks are required in order to lose the focus from the control after removing an item with its "X" button.
  • SearchText is not cleared when SelectedItem is set to null.


  • The path in the SplitButton of the BreadCrumbItem is not visualized correctly in press state in VisualStudio2013 theme.


  • Focus state border is visible in Pressed state.
  • Missing pressed state path fill of DropDownPart in RadSplitButton in VisualState2013 theme.
  • Missing hover state of DropDownPart inside RadSplitButton for VisualStudio2013 theme.
  • When the DropDownIndicatorVisibility property of SplitButton is set to Collapsed, it collapses the DropDownPart toggle button instead of the indicator.


  • NullReferenceException is thrown in UpdateVisualizationForItem method.


  • Candlestick and OhlcStick are not being updated when its data point's Close and Open values are changed at runtime.
  • PointSeries does not respect the PointSize when a DefaultVisualStyleSelector provides a Style with no Width and Height setters.


  • RadCombobox does not close on first click in Green and VisualStudio 2013 themes.
  • RadToolTipService.ToolTipContent is disregarded when getting HelpText.


  • DataFormValidationSummary control can be used outside the context of RadDataForm.


  • SettingsPane's popup is positioned wrong when it is opened too close to the screen upper or lower bounds.
  • Horizontal/Vertical ContentAlignment properties of the DiagramConnection do not apply when they are set in style.


  • Some Panes are rendered incorrectly when DragDropMode is set to Deferred and the layout is changed and saved.
  • The dock operation could not be performed when trying to dock a Pane to the Root Compass that is over the dragged Pane and DragDropMode is set to Deferred.
  • ToolWindow remains hidden when AnimationManager is disabled and ToolWindow is hidden and shown in two consecutive calls.
  • There is a memory leak when a context menu is used on floating panes.
  • ToolWindow's width is stretched to two monitors when it is maximized and IsHidden is toggled.
  • ElementSaving event is not raised when LoadLayout(stream, true).
  • SplitContainer is shown after layout load if its InitialPosition is set to FloatingOnly and then the layout is saved in the Unloaded event of the control.

DragDrop Manager

  • DropVisual has missing brush resources for Windows8Touch theme.


  • Animations on Checked/Unchecked visual state in RadExpander trigger design time error in VisualStudio2010 and VisualStudio2015.


  • The TaskEdited event is called in a loop if the TasksSource is cleared in this event.
  • The CurrentUICulture's time format is disregarded in the TimeRuler and the dragging/resizing Tooltip of the control.


  • "Search as you type" support for GridViewComboBoxColumn.
  • Tooltip is not updated when is applied through CellStyle and DataTrigger and value has been changed.
  • GridViewHeaderRow and GridViewFooterRow instances leak when themes are changed at run-time.
  • InvalidOperationException is thrown when selecting items while they are inserted asynchronously.
  • UI freezes on updating GridView's source from another thread in .NET 4.5.
  • Validation errors with IDataErrorInfo overwrite column tooltip message and the last is not visible even the error is corrected.
  • Frozen column and FlowDirection="RightToLeft" leads to overlapped content after scrolling.
  • GridViewColumn's sorting state is not updated if a ColumnSortDescriptor is added at run-time.
  • Adding new row causes NullReferenceException in a scenario with RadComboBox in CellEditTemplate.
  • When GridView is bound to a DataTable which contains a column with a dot in the name, the values in the column are not shown.
  • NullReferenceException in FilterDescriptorCollectionExpressionBuilder.CreateBodyExpression().
  • Selecting the text in the FilterRow drags the header cell.
  • GroupRenderMode property is not copied to the inner grids in a hierarchy.
  • GridViewComboBoxColumn displays the object type in edit mode when having ItemTemplate and TextPath is set directly to the ComboBox through style.
  • Unpinning a selected row deselects it.
  • Pinning all rows of the grid results in a blank space.
  • Row gets invalid after scrolling it out and in the viewport with ValidationType set to None and INotifyDataErrorInfo implemented.
  • InvalidOperationException is thrown on inserting items from another thread and EnableCollectionSynchronization is set.
  • CellDoubleClick and RowActivated events are raised on a single Tap.
  • RowActivated event is not fired on double tap on row indicator.
  • InvalidOperationException is thrown on grouping in a multithread application.
  • Changing the IsExpanded property through an implicit style for GroupHeaderRow results in NullReferenceException.
  • MS Combobox cannot be opened using touch when it is placed in GridViewDataColumn.CellEditTemplate.
  • GridViewRow instances leak when themes are changed at run-time.
  • GridViewCellValidatingEventArgs.OldValue argument is not correct when using GridViewComboboxColumn.
  • Inserting an item with NewRowPosition set to Top or Bottom adds two rows when there is/are pinned row/s.

Image Editor

  • Localization strings in Shape, Canvas Resize, Resize and Draw Text tools and their settings are not updated when the culture is changed during the application's lifetime.


  • Implemented diabled state for HeaderButtonStyle of LayoutControlExpanderGroup.
  • Implemented a Save/Load functionality. Allow the rearranged UI to be saved in a XML based string and reload it later.
  • Introduced Design-Time support. Operation like drag and drop/resize/delete/align are now available in the VisualStudio designer.
  • Removed the DisplayMode, Header, IsExpandable, IsExpanded properties from the LayoutControlGroup. Exposed three different groups LayoutControlGroup (panel mode), LayoutControlExpanderGroup (expander mode), LayoutControlTabGroup (tab mode) and LayoutConС‚rolTabGroupItem.


  • ArgumentException is thrown in RadListBox on a touch device when ESC key is pressed.
  • Empty space bar key input is disregarded when IsTextSearchEnabled is set to True.


  • In RadMaskedNumeric/CurrencyInput when the Value is null the "minus" after clear is still displayed.
  • Minus sign disappears when no mask is set (Mask="") and UpdateValueEvent is set to LostFocus.

MS Controls

  • CheckBox changes its state in VisualStudio2013 theme when mouse left button down is pressed on the control and mouse up is performed elsewhere.
  • Focus Border of TextBox is not applied for Read-Only mode.


  • Value of the control in read only mode is updated on lost focus.
  • The buttons are misplaced when ShowTextBox is set to false in Windows8Touch theme.
  • There is no value set for MinHeight in Windows8Touch theme.
  • There is too much space around the text when ShowButtons=False in Windows8Touch theme.


  • Overflow button missing MouseOver and Checked states in ExpressionDark, Office2013, Windows8 and Windows8Touch themes.

PDF Viewer

  • NullReferenceException is thrown when loading document with unsupported zip encoding.
  • When printing a document, only the content of the currently loaded page is printed while the other pages are empty.


  • When an image doesn't have ColorSpace specified, ImageMask property is not exported which results in invalid document.
  • Glyphs are positioned with big horizontal distance due to wrong import of CidFonts Widths property.
  • Exception is thrown when empty Pdf Name object is not parsed as empty name.


  • DisplayName is not used for QueryableAggregateDescription.
  • GrandTotal is null when QueryableDataProvider is used and there is a row header with null value.


  • RibbonTabStripPanel is still visible when all RadRibbonTabs and the ApplicationButton are Collapsed in Expression Dark theme.
  • There is 1px redundant top padding in RibbonComboBox dropdown.
  • Margin between groups and separators in Office2013 theme extended from 4px to 5px.
  • Inconsistent spacing between image and text in RibbonSplitButton.
  • RadRibbonTab can not be selected when the backstage is open initially.
  • BorderBrush of ToggleButton inside RibbonComboBox is not applied.
  • KeyTips cannot be enabled after the theme is changed when the RibbonView is hosted in RibbonWindow and RadRibbonWindow.IsWindowsThemeEnabled is set to false.
  • RadRibbonSplitButton is not aligned correctly compared to other ribbon buttons when Size is Large.


  • Updated "hover" and "press" states for ImageMiniToolBar close button for Visual Studio 2013, Office 2013 and Windows 8 themes.
  • Introduced support for converting vertical tab symbol to line break.
  • DOCX format provider: When the forecolor of a style is changed through the dialog, the theme color is not cleared.
  • PDF format provider: Images are exported with wrong stream length which leads to error message when trying to save the exported PDF file and images are lost.
  • Memory leak in TableStylesGallery results in keeping a reference to a previous RadDocument instance.
  • PDF format provider: Real numbers are exported in Exponential format.
  • Docx format provider: When the background color of Paragraph, Table or TableCell is set to Auto, the imported color is white instead of transparent.
  • When Page break is inserted through the RibbonUI, the current paragraph ends on the next page, instead of right after the break.


  • The Category of an Appointment is not updated when CategoriesSource is changed at runtime.
  • Appointment is cut at the bottom when its duration is 2 days and MinTimeRulerExtent is set to a big number.
  • RecurrenceChoiceDeleteDialog should show when more than one recurring appointments are selected and then deleted.


  • Automatic spell checking for DataGrid and RadGridView does not properly update cells with the corrected values.


  • Importing a Workbook which contains Chart sheet throws exception.
  • OutOfMemory exception is thrown when exporting workbook containing a large number of worksheets.
  • The XML documentation of the methods GetIsLocked, SetIsLocked, ClearIsLocked is wrong.
  • WorkbookContentChanged event stops firing after using fill series.
  • When TextLengthDataValidationRule is applied to a cell formatted as text, the rule treats valid text as invalid.


  • "Protect sheet" title of the protect sheet button is on a single line, instead of two lines.
  • "Protect Workbook" dialog is with incorrect height in all themes.
  • The border of Borders button (BordersMenu) is lost in disabled state in VisualStudio2013 and Green theme.
  • Sort dialog: 'Then by' text is clipped in Windows8Touch theme. Text and icon of "Copy Level" button are blurred in all themes.
  • Importing a Workbook which contains Chart sheet throws exception.
  • OutOfMemory exception is thrown when exporting workbook containing a large number of worksheets.
  • The XML documentation of the methods GetIsLocked, SetIsLocked, ClearIsLocked is wrong.
  • WorkbookContentChanged event stops firing after using fill series.
  • 'Find what' and 'Replace with' textboxes in 'Replace' tab of 'Find and Replace' dialog have different heights in VisualStudio 2013 and Green themes.
  • When TextLengthDataValidationRule is applied to a cell formatted as text, the rule treats valid text as invalid.
  • Memory leak when showing PrintPreview.
  • Small visible size and scrolling cause ArgumentOutOfRangeException.


  • Timeline item cannot be selected, when using custom DataTemplates for the timeline items.


  • DropDown's popup overlaps the OverflowButton in Office2013 theme.
  • Missing Checked visual state of OverflowToggleButton in Office2013 and Windows8 themes.
  • Overflow Popup is not aligned properly under the OverflowToggleButton in Office2013 and Windows8 themes.


  • InvalidOperationException is thrown when modifying the RadTreeListView ItemsSource in specific scenarios.


  • When the tree is disabled, ExpandItemByPath() and GetItemByPath() do not work.
  • BringIndexIntoView causes the viewport to lock while scrolling.


  • Setting FocusManager.FocusedElement throws an Error: 4 in the output and the element is not focused.
  • Maximized RadWindow on secondary screen is cropped whenever the taskbar is on the right or left side of the primary monitor.


  • RadFlowDocument Theme property is not cloned.
  • Updating fields without Separator causes NullReferenceException.
  • Cloning document containing fields without Separator causes NullReferenceException.
  • Mail merge doesn't respect new lines in mail merge source entries.
  • ParagraphMarkerProperties of the Paragraph element are not cloned.
  • Document default style properties are not cloned.
  • HTML format provider: Styled text in list is imported as separate paragraph.
  • DOCX format provider: ArgumentNullException is thrown when importing documents with shapes.
  • UriFormatExcpetion is thrown when the Uri of an image is relative.
  • HTML format provider: When there is no space before < p > element in a list, empty paragraph is added and associated to the list item.


  • Updating zip file which contains Zip64ExtraFiled for UncompressedSize generates invalid zip file.
  • Cannot get more than 65535 entries from a Zip archive containing more entries than that.

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