
Telerik UI for WPF

Release History

UI for WPF R1 2019

January 16, 2019

What's New

  • Spreadsheet, SpreadProcessing - Introduced support for charts letting you add, remove and manipulate chart objects in your spreadsheet documents.
  • Introduced a new HyperlinkButton control.
  • NavigationView (HamburgerMenu) - Enhance your application with the popular and modern hamburger menu navigation for a convenient and intuitive user experience.
  • DiagramRibbon - implemented predefined Ribbon UI wired to the RadDiagram public commands.
  • MultiColumnComboBox is now official and includes features like SelectionBoxesVisibility, customizable templates and easy integration with RadGridView.
  • Introduced a new built-in GridView column type that incorporates RadMultiColumnComboBox for an editor.
  • Introduced assemblies and NuGet packages for .NET Core 3.0.
  • Introduced Coded UI automation support for Visual Studio 2019.

All Controls

  • Implemented StringToGlyphConverter.
  • Missing resources in Docking and DataVisualization resource dictionaries for the Crystal theme.


  • Expose a DropDownItemTemplateSelector property for the items inside the drop-down part of the RadAutoCompleteBox control.


  • The foreground of the ContentControl was not templated bound and theme-aware.


  • Introduced DropDownMinWidth and DropDownMinHeight properties for DropDownButton.
  • When buttons are focused, they could not display a ToolTip properly in Office/Black/Blue/Silver, Summer, Vista, Transparent, Windows7, VisualStudio2013 themes.
  • The foreground is not updated correctly when hovering and pressing buttons with custom content in Office2016 and Office2016Touch themes.


  • Implemented support to display information for all data points per series in the trackball by setting the SnapSinglePointPerSeries property to false.
  • CartesianGridLineAnnotation or CartesianPlotBandAnnotation`s LabelDefinition is not applied when set in style.
  • The CartesianGridLineAnnotation's label is not displayed when the annotation is out of the plot area initially.


  • Null values on the Z axis are wrongly rendered in some cases when using SurfaceSeries3D.


  • An InvalidOperationException is raised when calling the AddRange of a RadObservableCollection source.
  • Setting a new instance for the DataSource does not clear the previous messages.
  • Coded UI Test Builder does not display custom properties.


  • The BorderBrush property is not respected when IsEditable and IsReadOnly are set to True for ComboBox in Fluent theme.


  • Enhanced AStarRouter with ability to avoid connection overlaps. Set AvoidConnectionOverlap to True and prepare enough custom connectors if many connections are attached to a single shape for optimal results.


  • Fixed missing MouseOver state for close button in RadDocking's DocumentHost for Office2013 theme.

DragDrop Manager

  • Added option to display the DragVisual in the DragSource's AdornerLayer, instead of creating a new window.


  • Added support for HeaderStringFormat property in RadExpander.
  • Cannot extract a Template via VisualStudio designer.


  • Users are now allowed to enter decimal numbers without the leading zero, starting directly with the decimal separator.
  • The values returned by an IF statement now can be of different numeric types and the parser will convert them to the most appropriate one.
  • Developers can add custom categories and/or functions to the control and expression parser.
  • End users can now drill down into fields of complex objects by setting the IsFieldsDrillDownEnabled property to true.
  • The most popular text operations are now available as built-in functions.
  • Highlighting logic is not executed as expected, resulting in an unreadable text in the dark themes.
  • The logic that handles expressions in parentheses is incorrect.
  • Expressions with a formula accessing an index of a collection are not calculated.
  • PathGeometries used in RadExpressionEditor`s buttons are not consistent in themes Expression_Dark, Office2013DarkGray, Office2013LightGray, Office2013White, Office_Black, Office_Blue, Office_Silver, Transparent and Vista.


  • Implemented support for entering environment variables like %windir%, %temp% in Breadcrumb and AutoComplete.


  • An IOException is thrown when using a numeric indicator with HexagonalNumberPosition or SevenSegsNumberPosition with no-xaml binaries.


  • Introduced ShowScrollPositionIndicator property which indicates whether the ScrollPositionIndicator will be shown while deferred scrolling.
  • Implemented SearchPanelCloseButtonVisibility property which controls whether the close button is Visible, Hidden or Collapsed in RadGridView`s search panel.
  • Added support for asynchronous exporting with RadSpreadStreamProcessing.
  • Exposed the BusyIndicatorContent and BusyIndicatorContentTemplate properties in order to customize what is shown in GridViewLoadingIndicator's content.
  • Exposed the BusyIndicatorProgressValue property in order to report any shifts in the GridViewLoadingIndicator's progress value. Exposed the BusyIndicatorIsIndeterminate property to control the modes of execution of GridViewLoadingIndicator.
  • GridViewCell in edit mode had larger font size in Office2013 theme.
  • FilteringControl was not correctly resized when FontSize was changed in Office_Black and Expression_Dark themes.
  • A NullReferenceException could be thrown in UpdateNonFrozenNonVirtualizedCells method.
  • ArgumentException could be thrown when columns display indexes are initialized.
  • Cells with set background or in invalid state do not have a bottom border in Office2013 and Fluent themes.
  • Adding invisible columns with initially assigned display index may leave gaps between columns on initial rendering.
  • ColumnFilterDescriptors with FilterMemberPath get updated after setting ItemsSource to null, which causes an exception.
  • External Row Details does not update when its visibility is changed.
  • Setting the ShouldGenerateFieldFilterEditors property to true didn't allow one to change the default filter operator for boolean columns.
  • Navigating with MoveRight while adding the first item in RadGridView's ItemsSource, commits edit operation
  • RadGridViewCommands.MoveRight command always commits edit of a new row.
  • There was 1px top Margin set on PART_MasterGridContainer which resulted in control being cut off.
  • Slow performance with VQCV and GroupRenderMode.Flat.
  • SortIndicator was not collapsed when CanUserSortColumns was set to false in VisualStudio2013 and Office2013 themes.
  • StackOverflow exception is thrown when changing the ItemsSource of the control while sorting is applied and the item type implements ICustomTypeProvider in .NET 4.5.
  • The cell is in EditMode when using Ctrl + F key combination and the CanUserSearch property is false.
  • The SelectStyle method of a CellStyleSelector was called before the CreateCellElement method of the column.
  • There was 1px border on top of the grid when ShowGroupPanel and ShowColumnHeaders are set to False in Windows8Touch theme.
  • When UIAccess is set to true in the application manifest, the dragged HeaderCell is behind the Window containing the control.
  • When ScrollMode is Deferred and the grid is bound to a VirtualQueryableCollectionView, items are loaded while scrolling. This could be stopped by setting RadGridView.ShowScrollPositionIndicator to False.
  • Custom styling for HeaderRow and HeaderCell Background was not fully respected for all themes except Office2016, Fluent, Material and Crystal.
  • There was a misplacement issue with the GridViewLoadingIndicator when there was a ColumnsSelectionButton.
  • Total item count does not take into account expanded child items, which causes issues with cell selection.
  • When ShowGroupPanel was set to False, 1px from the top of the grid was cut off.
  • Clicking checkbox in a GridViewCell is not recognized as a valid action, because IsChecked property is not present.
  • Setting DynamicHyperLinkColumn as current column and scrolling horizontally drastically degrades performance.
  • CellTemplate and CellTemplateSelector are not respected in HyperlinkColumn and DynamicHyperlinkColumn.
  • Moved PART_DistinctFilterControl to a separate column in GridViewHeaderCellTemplate to avoid overlapping with sorting indices in Office2013 theme.
  • Data descriptors are now cleared when ItemsSource is changed with another collection of the same dynamic types, as dynamic types do not guarantee the same set of properties.
  • The GridViewLoadingIndicator's template for Office and ExpressionDark themes was modified - now it contains a RadBusyIndicator.

Image Editor

  • Introduced Bold, Italic, Underline and FontFamily settings in the DrawTextTool.
  • Introduced a second color of the selection path so it can be visible when on dark areas.


  • An ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown when calling the ScrollIntoView method with an invalid index and the control is grouped.


  • RadMap now displays a scaled image of the last available zoom level when no images for the current one are available.


  • There was extra space when the IsReadOnly property is True and the IsClearButtonVisible property is False in Green, Material and Office2016 theme.

MS Controls

  • Provided styling for Hyperlink control (WPF) as well as for HyperlinkButton (Silverlight).


  • Added CloseDropDownAfterSelectionInput property. The dropdown will be closed only with SelectionMode Single.
  • Added SelectionBoxTemplate, SelectionBoxStyle, SelectionBoxTemplateSelection and SelectionBoxStyleSelector properties.
  • Add IsReadonly property that indicates whether text input is allowed.
  • Added SelectionBoxesVisibility property to toggle between SelectionBoxes and text-based selection interface.
  • FooterTemplate, FooterContent and FooterVisibility properites are added, so that a custom footer content beneath the drop down control can be added.
  • Introduced GridViewItemsSourceProvider.RowIndicatorVisibility property in order to hide the RowIndicator of RadGridView.
  • NullReferenceException is thrown when the SelectedItem property is bound and set before the control is loaded.
  • Setting one of the selection properties - SelectedItem, SelectedIndex, or SelectedValue before the ItemsSource is loaded, the other selection properties are not updated when it is loaded.
  • DropDownMinWidth property is not respected until resize if DropDownWidth is not set.
  • UI is inputable after item has been selected when SelectionMode="Single". SelectionBoxesVisibility property is introduced - when set to Hidden/Collapsed, SearchAutoCompleteBox contains the selected item as text only.
  • Switching selection between items with the same SelecetedValue throws InvalidOperationException.
  • The dropdown position doesn't update when the input field gets higher.
  • MatchCase is not respected in Append mode.


  • Editing the value now works as expected when using NumberNegativePattern different than the default one. When editing, the current value will be displayed with default NumberNegativePattern (-n).


  • Initially all items are rendered as minimized when IsContentPreserved is True and the total height of the items is more than the available height.
  • Minimized DropDownMenuItems in OutlookBar could not be styled.
  • Selected and MouseOver states of minimized items in the overflow popup are not applying when the Outlookbar is minimized in Windows8 theme.
  • The Tooltip is not showing when hovering the vertical resizer in Crystal, Fluent, Material, Office2016, Office2016Touch themes.


  • Set IsTabStop property to True by default for Crystal theme. Updated opacity of watermark for Material theme.

PDF Viewer

  • Add support for CropBox element in PDF page.
  • Annotation appears turned upside down.
  • COMException is thrown when copying content from the control and the application is hosted on a remote machine.
  • Invalid page is displayed when destination defined with zero-based page index is activated.
  • Rectangles with values that are indirect references are not imported correctly.


  • Implemented ImageSource.GetBitmapSource method to work with all color spaces and filters to enable you to obtain the source of images which use different color definitions.
  • Implemented GetColor() method for the following color spaces: CalRgb, CalGray, Separation, DeviceN, Lab, DeviceCmyk, Pattern, IccBased, Indexed to allow you to import a wider set of color definitions.
  • Implemented SCN, scn, K and k operators for setting color in CMYK colorspace.
  • Added support for CropBox element in PDF page.
  • Implemented support for import of images compressed with CCITTFaxDecode filter.
  • Documents are exported with wrong creation and modification dates.
  • Stencil color is not preserved when importing and exporting images.


  • Implemented support for resizing columns at run time.
  • Pivot displays wrong data if Olap Measure has null values for all records and is used as aggregate description.


  • RibbonSplitToggleButton's Foreground was not readable when IsChecked=True and there was no proper indication that the button is toggled.
  • The ribbonbackstage vertical scrollbar is clipped when using RibbonWindow in Office2013, VisualStudio2013, Office2016, Green, Fluent, Material, Crystal themes.
  • Increased content height of RibbonView for the Windows8Touch theme and changed the SmallButtonsPerColumn property to 3 for the Fluent theme in a way to show 3 buttons in a single column.


  • ArgumentException when document containing invalid XML characters is exported to XAML or DOCX.
  • 'ToolTipStyle' resource missing exception is thrown in Office2016 theme (NoXaml).
  • Empty headers or footers are not protected after applying protection to the document.
  • Entering header and footer cannot be prevented using RadRichTextBox.CommandExecuting event when the document is protected.
  • NullReferenceException is thrown when calling GetStatisticsInfo and the document is empty.
  • Incorrect naming of definition for underline in HtmlFormatProvider.
  • Memory leak when cloning document containing lists, including during mail merge operation (which internally clones the document).
  • Non-breaking spaces are converted to plain spaces when importing documents from DOCX.
  • NotSupportedException is thrown when trying to import an image with invalid data.
  • Page field in header/footer of document created with mail merge always have value 1.
  • PdfFormatProvider: Table borders are not positioned correctly when there is a continuous section break before the table.
  • Quickly adding a tab stop and then removing it from document's ruler crashes the application.
  • Improved layout performance. Most noticeable when there are many paragraphs in section or many spans in paragraph.
  • Duplicated content when merging documents, pasting content, or inserting DocumentFragments.
  • NullReferenceException is thrown when inserting line or page break.


  • Introduced support for charts letting you add, remove and manipulate chart objects in your spreadsheet documents.
  • Documents with a global filter cannot be imported.
  • ArgumentException is thrown when protecting a worksheet having missing algorithmName information.
  • Filter command should be disabled when a single row or cell is selected.
  • Shapes and charts appear invisible when created in a document generated by SpreadProcessing and WordsProcessing.


  • Introduced support for charts letting you add, remove and manipulate chart objects in your spreadsheet documents.
  • ArgumentException is thrown when protecting a worksheet having missing algorithmName information.
  • Filter command should be disabled when a single row or cell is selected.
  • SpreadsheetUI NuGet package is missing from the Telerik NuGet server.


  • The stream containing the data is now flushed when closing it when exporting to CSV.


  • BorderThickness was visible even when it was set to 0 in all themes except Material, Fluent & Crystal.


  • ItemContainerStyle property does not apply.


  • Bulk update of items' property, bound to IsExpandedBinding, makes items disappear.
  • Dynamically inserting new items makes other items disappear when the items are initially expanded.


  • The GetItem() method of the RadVirtualGridAutomationPeer returns null.
  • A NotImplementedException is thrown from GetSelection() method of the RadVirtualGridAutomationPeer.


  • Implemented ReadOnlyBackground and DisabledBackground properties.


  • The host WPF Window of RadWindow creates AutomationPeer even AutomationManager.AutomationMode is Disabled.


  • Document variable fields are case-sensitive.

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