
Telerik UI for WPF

Release History

UI for WPF Q2 2012 SP2

September 12, 2012

All Controls

  • EnumDataSource: Added support for Nullable<T> enums.
  • RadToolTipService: Added API for closing tooltip


  • Design time support improvements: localization issues with the comma separator.


  • Additional comparative measures have no default appearance settings and appear transparent.
  • Design time support improvements: localization issues with the comma separator.


  • Add Automation Peers.


  • Implemented ScatterSplineSeries type.
  • Implemented ScatterSplineAreaSeries type.
  • Exposed DateTimeContinuousAxis.ActualRange property.
  • Trackball does not work properly with Scatter series (ScatterLineSeries, ScatterAreaSeries).
  • TrackBall does not update its location on mouse move when SnapMode set to None and ShowIntersectionPoints set to False.
  • TrackBall header cannot be set in TrackInfoUpdated event handler.
  • TrackBall intersection point is not visible after adding a removed TrackBallBehavior.
  • Vertical axis space shrinks/expands incorrectly when panning/zooming with the PanZoomBar (due to erroneously calculating space for longer labels that are currently not visible).
  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException when CartesianChartGrid stripes are visible and the Silvelight page is resized to really small size.
  • Fixed a problem with bar positioning, when previous series' bar for the same category is empty.
  • ClearSelection() method does not clear RadCartesianChart.SelectedPoints.
  • First and last axis label and tick disappear on zoom when TickThickness is larger than 2.
  • Gridlines not positioned correctly when TickThickness is set.
  • Palette visual properties should always take precedence when both Palette and ChartSeries.DefaultVisualStyle properties are set.
  • Fixed a bug related to incorrect output of Horizontal BarSeries in a specific scenario with empty data points.
  • Issue with bar positioning when previous series' bar for the same category is empty.
  • Fixed rotated horizontal axis labels layout issue causes empty space in the chart layout.
  • When adding two BarSeries in code-behind, the second one is not aligned well on the horizontal axis.
  • NullReferenceException in ChartToolTipBehavior due to improper detachment of the behavior.
  • NullReferenceException when reusing additional axis between an already removed series and a freshly added one.
  • Design time support improvements: localization issues with the comma separator.
  • ClipToBounds property not respected (setting it to false has no effect).


  • MoveNext is incorrect when source is filtered.


  • When Placement=Absolute the RadContextMenu does not close when clicked outside it.
  • The placement of the context menu is wrong when the parent control is scaled.


  • Design time support improvements: localization issues with the comma separator.


  • FilterOperatorsLoadingEventArgs.DefaultOperator property.


  • Adding new item is disabled if the source is set after data form is created


  • Add Automation Peers to RadDateTimePicker.
  • RadDateTimePicker steals the focus when another control using Telerik's popup is opened.


  • Add Automation Peers.
  • Panes with IsHidden = true flickers on application startup.


  • Added DragNDrop Scrolling.
  • Selected item doesn't clear after setting new task source.


  • Design time support improvements: localization issues with the comma separator.


  • CanUserSortGroups property added
  • RadGridView erroneously displayed the type of a property, even when the ToString() was overridden in the class for that property.
  • Changing Language property is not respected.
  • Exception when dynamically adding a column group that does not have a matching column.
  • Incorrect recycling of the bottom visible item.
  • Issues when using MaskedInput controls in CellEditTemplates.
  • Aggregate function applied twice in the Column Footer when a function is reused for more than one column.
  • When bound to CollectionViewSource all cells in a combo box column displayed the same values after edit (in a theme different than Office_Black)
  • Scrolling orientation of common headers was not correctly set for the virtualized items.
  • When a column's custom FilteringControl is replaced with a new one at runtime, a reference to the old one remains which leads to incorrect behavior.
  • Validation issue when ValidatesOnDataErrors is set to "InViewMode".
  • Focus issue with TextBox in CellTemplate and theme is different from Office_Black e.NewValue inside CellValidating event args is not set properly when fast scrolling is performed (via KeyDown).
  • A visual gap occurred in hierarchy at the level of the column groups.
  • RadGridView would not insert new row more than once when the row is custom templated (custom row layout) and has no cells.
  • Current cell scrolled horizontally in certain situations, even when under frozen column.
  • OnGroupPanel drop always request grouping with SortDirection "Ascending".
  • Broken IsVisible Binding if you set IsFilterable to False.
  • Error "Warning as Error: Possible unintended reference comparison".
  • Language property of the parent FrameworkElement is not respected. Changing Language property is not respected.
  • Null reference exception within FooterCellBase class.
  • GridView Header Cell Content DependencyObject.
  • Incorrect behavior when child grid (within RowDetails) is focused - parent row is committed.
  • System.ArgumentNullException with underscores in distinct values.
  • Common column headers were partially rendered for columns of the viewport in (after scrolling into view).


  • Implemented HeatMapToolTipSettings.ToolTipFormat property.
  • Design time support improvements: localization issues with the comma separator.


  • Implement Scrolling for Drag and Drop functionality in RadListBox. Added Smooth scrolling virtualized panel.
  • Setting theme using StyleManager to the RadListBox doesn't work for the child items.


  • The InformationLayer should support moving from one to another instance of RadMap.
  • Memory leak which occurs when InformationLayer is removed from the RadMap instance.
  • Issue when DBF part of shape-file contains integer numbers larger than Int32.
  • MapCommandBar / MapZoomBar appear misaligned with Metro theme when central navigation is collapsed.
  • Design time support improvements: localization issues with the comma separator.
  • Misaligned central navigation buttons with Metro implicit theme.
  • DropDownButton popup does not always close in WPF.
  • Buttons misalignment in WPF with implicit themes.


  • In the RadMaskedTextInput if the Mask="" and the UpdateValueEvent="LostFocus", characters cannot be entered.
  • The MaskedNumericInput control Value cannot be set to null, when bound to a nullable int or decimal value.


  • RadMenu Popups open in the wrong place in a ViewBox.


  • Create UI AutomationPeers for SL and WPF


  • Provide UI Automation Peers for PanelBar and PanelBarItem.
  • Some properties that are inherited from RadTreeView (DefaultImageSrc, ExpandedImageSrc) should be excluded.


  • Way to override handling of hyperlinks inside PDF.
  • Added ContentCreated event in FixedDocumentSinglePagePresenter.
  • API for manipulation of Destinations.
  • Performance improvements.
  • Fixed some memory issues.
  • Inverted colors in CCITTFaxDecode.


  • Allow cross-version persistence.


  • EmptyValue – property that gets or sets the text that appears in empty cells
  • ErrorValue – property that gets or sets the text that appears in cells with errors
  • Scroll improvements – scroll bar buttons now scroll by one cell or one page at a time
  • Support for most filters, sorting and formatting features in code
  • PropertyAggregateDescription: StringFormat – property that gets or sets the string presentation of the aggregate values
  • PropertyAggregateDescription: Better formatting – a system to alter string formats for aggregate functions and total formatting that alters the meaning of the original data. For example: ‚percent of grand total’ is formatted as percent; ‚Count’ aggregate function is formatted as integer
  • PropertyAggregateDescription: Precisions – Decimals are now aggregated in Decimal containers and ints in Int64 so that precision is not lost by conversion to doubles
  • PropertyAggregateDescription: AggregateFunction - is now a class so that it can be easily extended. Also provides better string format support
  • RadPivotFieldList: IField – improvements. Values now wrap IAggregateDescriptions and Labels IGroupDescriptions. This will support further editing
  • RadPivotFieldList: Single update triggered on drag/drop actions
  • RadPivotFieldList: GroupDescriptions are not recreated on drag/drop actions


  • Added editor caching. Performance optimization for grouping and filtering.
  • Added support for Nullable<T> enums.
  • Guid properties cannot be edited.
  • Searching does not show some nested properties.
  • Performance optimizations targeting faster loading when Item is changed with objects of the same type.
  • NulRefException on clicking many times on sort/group buttons.


  • KeyTips aren't applied on second-level RadMenuItems displayed in the DropDownContent of a DropDownButton.
  • The RibbonScrollViewer doesn't update if a RibbonGroup is collapsed.
  • When there are too many items in QAT some of them are not visible.


  • Extended HTML format provider.
  • Added support for importing symbols defined with w:sym tag from docx.
  • Printing does not work.
  • The current editing style is lost if you add several new paragraphs.
  • Font family combo box stays empty on initial document loading.
  • ApplicationCommands bindings in WPF cannot be suppressed.
  • The editor crashes when uncommitted IME text is deleted.
  • Floating images in headers are clipped.
  • Removing borders in table cells leads to adding borders to neighboring cells.
  • RadRichTextBoxStatusBar.ZoomPercentageChanged event is not raised.
  • Table border grid issue with index out of bounds when a table has many vertically merged cells.
  • Writing in a revision range when change tracking is disabled should divide the range and the new content should not be tracked.
  • Performance improvements with large paragraphs.
  • The highlighting is sometimes lost when typing in an RTL language (e.g. in a table).
  • HtmlFormatProvider: The <a> tag is sometimes self-closed when exporting hyperlinks.
  • DocxFormatProvider: Incorrect import of Heading styles.
  • DocxFormatProvider: Bug in the import of complex tables.
  • DocxFormatProvider: Performance issues when exporting documents with many merge fields.
  • DocxFormatProvider: Images in header imported form .docx are not positioned correctly.
  • DocxFormatProvider: Images with .tif extension, shortened from .tiff are not imported.
  • DocxFormatProvider: Wrong text color is sometimes imported.
  • RtfFormatProvider: Paragraph indentation is not imported in some cases.
  • RtfFormatProvider: When copying tables from Excel through RTF clipboard some properties are not imported correctly.
  • Exported tables are sometimes not opened correctly in MS Word.
  • When opening .docx and .rtf documents containing fields, the document is not scrolled to the first page as expected.
  • PdfFormatProvider: Underline longer than expected when exporting to .pdf.


  • ScheduleView automation peers implementation.
  • Enable opening the EditRecurrenceDialog from code-behind.
  • When RadScheduleView has small height set, ArgumentException is raised during appointment drag/resize.
  • Fix 1px gap in resources when orientation of DayView and WeekView is horizontal in Metro.


  • Design time support improvements: localization issues with the comma separator.


  • Improve TabControl AutomationPeer Support.
  • Binding Exceptions Occur When Removing TabItems and Using RelativeSource.
  • Closing and Item with Button in the Header causes a leak of the last closed item.
  • Edit code in the DataBinding QSF's example to eliminate view models memory leak.
  • Preserve BorderThickness when placement is set to the default value (top).


  • Extent Height/Width is not correct in some scenarios.
  • SelectedItem property should be null when there are no selected items.


  • You cannot zoom in to MinZoomRange using the mouse wheel.
  • Design time support improvements: localization issues with the comma separator.
  • A small value of MinZoomRange is not respected for large periods.


  • SelectedItem property always returns null, in case the timeline items are grouped.
  • You cannot zoom in to MinZoomRange using the mouse wheel.
  • InvalidOperationException when timeline ItemsSource is set to an empty collection.
  • ArgumentException when the height of the timeline is less than 61 pixels.
  • Design time support improvements: localization issues with the comma separator.
  • A small value of MinZoomRange is not respected for large periods.


  • RadTreeListView will not expand child items properly with alternation and load on demand. ParentRow also now properly initialized.
  • NullRefException on pasting to an empty GridViewDataControl.
  • IsExpandable not applied correctly with AlternateRowStyle and AlternateRowStyleSelector.
  • Exception when dynamically adding a column group that does not have a matching column.
  • Issues when using MaskedInput controls in CellEditTemplates.
  • Aggregate function applied twice in the Column Footer when a function is reused for more than one column.
  • When bound to CollectionViewSource all cells in a combo box column displayed the same values after edit (in a theme different than Office_Black)
  • Scrolling orientation of common headers was not correctly set for the virtualized items.
  • When a column's custom FilteringControl is replaced with a new one at runtime, a reference to the old one remains which leads to incorrect behavior.
  • Validation issue when ValidatesOnDataErrors is set to "InViewMode".
  • Focus issue with TextBox in CellTemplate and theme is different from Office_Black e.NewValue inside CellValidating event args is not set properly when fast scrolling is performed (via KeyDown).
  • Current cell scrolled horizontally in certain situations, even when under frozen column.
  • Expand button clipping with different row height.
  • System.ArgumentNullException with underscores in distinct values.
  • Common column headers were partially rendered for columns of the viewport in (after scrolling into view).


  • Design time support improvements: localization issues with the comma separator.


  • Implement ICommandSource.
  • Opening context menu with right click does not highlight the item in WPF.
  • MouseDoubleClick does not fire.

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