July 12, 2011
New Controls:
Build complicated navigation systems through hierarchical data with many levels and easily track the navigation history. With its powerful data-binding mechanism, the control lets you display hierarchical structures, such as directories and relational data.
This component ensures seamless integration between Telerik data controls and WCF Data Services. Binding to RadDataServiceDataSource is straightforward and absolutely codeless. Thanks to the DataServiceDataSource control your app will become even more responding, as data operations are asynchronously executed on the server, thus ensuring the UI remains responsive.
RadImageEditor is a powerful control for image processing. It supports basic image operations like crop, flip, resize and rotate. The image editor component also allows various color adjustment settings, as well as some more advanced effects like blur, sharpen, hue-shift and more. The component utilizes the power natively supported by Silverlight and WPF pixel shaders to achieve great performance.
Save and load the state of your application’s UI and the users’ preferences so that the end users can continue working with the application as it was before closing. For example you might want to keep the Docking-panes’ position, the GridView’s frozen columns, the TreeView nodes expand/collapse state or any other Silverlight control’s settings. (The persistence framework can work over any Silverlight control’s settings, including non-Telerik controls) With the Persistence Framework you can easily save the properties of your UI elements to a Stream object with just a single line of code. Then you can quickly and easily reload the layout from a previous state.
RadPropertyGrid introduces an intuitive and versatile approach to data processing and visualization. Unlike the widely beloved RadDataForm, RadPropertyGrid sets the focus on a single item rather than on a collection of items, exposing many useful features as grouping and search as you type. The main purpose of RadPropertyGrid is to provide highly customizable editing and presentation capabilities that are achieved with a minimal effort.
Telerik Silverlight RibbonView is an easy-to-use implementation of the Microsoft Office 2010 Aero “ribbon” UI, which allows you to better organize the navigation functionality of your application into a single and compact toolbar control. Its built-in tabs, menus and buttons, popup engine, dynamic resizing, powerful customization options and Office 2010 Application Menu (Backstage view), make the Silverlight RibbonView your shortcut to creating powerful navigation systems.
RadTreeMap and RadPivotMap Beta
RadTreeMap and RadPivotMap are used to visualize large amounts of hierarchically organized data. Treemaps have been used successfully for visualizing various kinds of data, such as the content of file systems, stock market data, process control data and source code of large programs.
Increase the responsiveness of your applications by compressing the data that you send over the internet. With the new Zip Library you can compress data like images, docx or pdf files and send them over the wire. Thus, you will achieve fast and secure transactions.
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Breaking Changes:
During Q2 we changed RadSlider's default ControlTemplate (Style) to introduce major improvements in the templating mechanism. As a result, the control will allow easier customization and maintenance with non-default themes and ControlTemplates. Also the control underwent a major refactoring, which will also resolve the current issues and limitations. Please be aware that the newly introduced style will cause some backwards incompatibility issues for users who already use custom styles. Not to worry though, for those users we will provide the needed assistance and resources for migrating to the new version.
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New features & Roadmap
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