
Telerik UI for WPF

Release History

UI for WPF 2010.31314

January 13, 2011

Q3 2010 SP1




What’s New:

  • GetValueForItem() method added for GridViewExpressionColumn.
  • GetValueForItem() method added for GridViewBoundColumnBase.
  • Added: A ColumnFilterDescriptor property to GridViewFilteringEventArgs and GridViewFilteredEventArgs.

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: Issue where ActivateRowCommand would cause validation to fail when parameter is KeyEventArgs.
  • Fixed: If Column or Grid IsReadOnly property is set by user this value is taken into account.
  • Fixed: Tab key from an edited cell with failing validation (exception thrown in setter) causes 2 hits of the underlying property setter.
  • Fixed: An issue in GridViewHeaderCell-Part_SortIndicator is not visible in Ascending state.
  • Fixed: Adding group with null key.
  • Fixed: SortDescriptor is not removed (multi-sort scenario) when IQueryableCollectionView is used as RadGridView.ItemsSource.
  • Null reference exception fixed in OnDropDownPopupOpened.
  • UpdateValueEvent for numeric filter RadMaskedTextBox set to UpdateValueEvent.LostFocus.
  • Optimize FilterDescriptorCollectionExpressionBuilder so it no longer generates redundant constant expressions.
  • Optimize the data engine so it does not produce filtering Where expressions when they are not needed.
  • Fixed: Child groups are missing when grouping a column that has a Converter defined on its DataMemberBinding.
  • Fixed: Connecting lines display before first item in GroupPanel.
  • Fixed: Removing an item in a grouped scenario, when this removal causes groups to be re-arranged by the data engine, results in another item being removed.
  • A column's filtering pop-up may appear clipped when displayed for the very first time.
  • Fixed: RadGridView does not render auto columns properly on async dataload.
  • Fixed: RadGridViewAutomationPeer GetItem() method does not work properly.
  • Fixed: BeginInsert after one BeginInsert and CancelEdit causes StackoverFlowException when item has its own Equals implementation and DataAnnotation validation fails for default values.
  • Fixed: GridView rows not recycled properly when navigating up and down with arrow keys.


What’s New:

  • ChartLegend.TitleFontWeight property is now obsolete – use ChartLegend.HeaderFontWeight instead.
  • Added ChartArea.Command and ChartArea.CommandParameter properties to provide support for ItemClick commanding.
  • Added ChartHierarchyCommands.Back, Forward, and Reset commands for hierarchical data scenarios.
  • Added HierarchyManager.CurrentItemsSource property that gets the itemssource corresponding to the current hierarchy level.
  • Added ChartLegend.HeaderFontWeight property that gets or sets the font weight of the header template.
  • Added RadChart.UpdateLogicalChildren() method that can be used to sync the control state in scenarios where control with non-default layout is used and the layout is updated dynamically (add/remove ChartArea on the fly).
  • Added AxisX.ShouldScaleStepOnZoom / ShouldRoundMinValueOnZoom properties that can be used to accomplish a zooming / scrolling scenario where constant mapping between series items and axis ticks should be preserved (set ShouldScaleStepOnZoom to false and ShouldRoundMinValueOnZoom to true).
  • Added ChartArea.ItemOverlapPercent property that gets or sets the item overlap percent for overlapping bars.

What’s Fixed:

  • SeriesDefinition change notifications (SeriesDefinition will not be cloned unless grouping is enabled, or it is set through DefaultSeriesDefinition property).
  • Layout cycle detected exception when trying to measure / arrange charts within very tight constraints (e.g. integration scenarios with RadTileView).
  • ChartTitle / ChartLegend declared in XAML not getting the instance chart theme correctly if non-default one is used.
  • User-defined styles not applied properly on all axis-related elements.
  • Memory leaks in dynamic update scenarios and in scenarios where the ChartArea template is changed.
  • Binding support for ChartArea.ZoomScrollSettingsX and ZoomScrollSettingsY.
  • Line chart not drawn correctly in specific scenario (AxisX in “strict” mode and sorting by YValue applied when the items order specified by sorting differs from the order specified by the strict mode).
  • Interactivity selected state for scatter point items.
  • Stacked100 series issue when one of the series contains negative value(s).
  • NullReferenceException with camera extension in specific 3D series scenarios.
  • NullReferenceException when ChartArea.Annotations property is set to null.
  • Unpredicted zooming in specific scenarios with context menu.
  • PlotAreaMouseEventArgs for scenarios with horizontal charts and for scenarios with logarithmic axis.
  • Axis.IsZerobased property value cannot be changed in runtime.
  • Stacked series not refreshed when a data point value changes.
  • It is now possible to declare individual MarkerShape for different legend items.
  • Visual interactivity effects not applied for non-default themes.
  • XmlDataProvider binding issue.
  • Secondary AxisY disappearing on resize.
  • NullReferenceException when Funnel3D is loaded but at the same time axes properties are set.
  • Fixed: Crash when adding CameraExtention in constructor.
  • Fixed: Issue when defining ChartArea.Extentions in XAML.
  • ItemsPanelOrientation binding error shown in Output addressed.
  • Legend items not getting correct theme settings if non-default ApplicationTheme is used.


What’s New:

  • Additional interfaces to help storing the appointments into a database.
  • Added: SpecialSlotsSource property.
  • Added: Dragging, resizing and selection of occurrences.
  • Added: GroupHeaderContentTemplateSelector, TimeRulerItemTemplateSelector, SpecialSlotStyleSelector.
  • Added: RecurrenceChoiceDragDropDialogStyle, RecurrenceChoiceResizeDialogStyl.
  • Added: VisibleRangeChangedCommand, VisibleRangeChangedCommandParameter.
  • Added: GroupHeaderContentTemplate, TimeRulerItemTemplate.

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: ScheduleView throws exception on MouseMove when there is no AppointmentsSource and no ActiveViewDefinition.
  • Fixed: When appointments are selected with Shift, not all items are dragged - only the clicked one.
  • Fixed: After creating a recurring appointment the selected slots for creating it remain selected when moving the appointment.
  • Fixed: Reccuring appointments doesn't fill the full timeslot width, when moved to column with bigger width than the current.
  • Fixed: Horizontal orientation in Day/Weekview doesn't end in 00:00 but have one column after that.
  • Fixed: Low priority and high importance button can be pressed at the same time in edit appointment dialog.
  • Fixed: Back and Forward buttons of RadScheduler does not work correctly after reapplying the template.
  • ICal now serializes Category and Timemarker properties of Appointment.


What’s New:

  • Added: Asynchronous BringIntoView method on the tree view.
  • Added: DragInProgress event.
  • Added: Click and Double Click events.
  • Remove "set" from IsSelectionActive documentation.

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: BringIntoView is not brining the whole item with the Selection, but only the internal item itself.
  • Fixed: BringItemIntoView and BringIndexIntoView methods don't bring the requested item into view if the TreeView is Virtualized and it has expanded items.
  • Fixed: Handles "Enter" key even when nothing is done.
  • Fixed: Null reference exception when TreeView uses Hieararchical virtualization.
  • Fixed: Hierarchical Virtualization crashes the application when a TreeViewItem is collapsed.
  • Fixed: IsSelected container binding causes a virtualized TreeView to jump while scrolling.
  • Fixed: Item stays in MouseOver state when tree/item is unloaded.
  • Fixed: Items not being rendered correctly when IsVirtualizing is set to True.
  • Fixed: Rendering issues in "Recycling" virtualization mode.
  • Fixed: TreeView does not behave correctly when inside Docking inside ScrollViewer.
  • Fixed: When Item is disabled the expander button is not disabled.


What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: Setting RowHeight under 25 px is now respected.
  • Fixed: Columns cannot be reordered.


What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: Changing ItemsSource property is not working as expected.
  • Fixed: RibbonWindow is flickering while resizing.
  • Fixed: RibbonWindow repaint issue.
  • Fixed: When a non-default theme is set, the RibbonBarGallery isn't properly displayed.
  • Fixed: When hosted in windows forms ElementHost, Variants are not configured correctly on load.
  • Fixed: In Server 2003, 2008 and XP when the RadRibbonWindow is maximized, the taskbar overlaps the bottom part of the window.
  • Fixed: In Server 2003, 2008 and XP when resizing the taskbar the RadRibbonWindow is not resized correctly.


What’s Fixed:

  • PerspectiveTransition effect shows white during transition on places where the content is fully transparent - fix to work with transparent UserControls


What’s Fixed:

  • Docking doesn't work correctly when the FlowDirection property is set to RightToLeft.
  • When Docking is hosted in a WindowsFormsHost resizing with keyboard doesn't work (throws an exception).


What’s Fixed:

  • ArgumentNullException when setting DataContext=null on Editable ComboBox and the Text property is bound TwoWay.
  • RadComboBox doesn't scroll into view the item selected with autocomplete or using Up/Down arrows.
  • The CanExecuteChanged event handler is collected by the GC, hence RadComboBox does not respond to CanExecute updates.


What’s New:

  • Added: Add Close button on RadDateTimePicker.

What’s Fixed:

  • Icons DPI fix for DatePicker, TimePicker and DateTimePicker.
  • Problem when parsing time values when in SpanishMexico culture.
  • TimeInterval property set on RadDateTimePicker fails to update the RadClock.


What’s Fixed:

  • RadWindow can't be closed sometimes with Windows7Theme.
  • RadWindow Windows7 Theme Buttons glitch when no buttons.


What’s New:

  • Added: PreservePositionWhenMaximized property.
  • Added: PreviewTilesStateChanged event.

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: Data binding the Content property of a TileViewItem does not work.
  • Fixed: Dragging does not work in WinForms host.
  • Fixed: Items don't position properly while scrolling.
  • Fixed: Memory Leak.
  • Fixed: ScrollBar doesn't hide when ItemsSource is changed.
  • Fixed: ScrollBar doesn't refresh it's value when items are being hidden.
  • Fixed: The Maximize/Minimize Toggle button is not is proper state when handling the PreviewTileStateChanged event.


What’s New:

  • Added support for RaiseEvent(…) method for MapShape objects.
  • Added support for right mouse button events for MapShape objects.

What’s Fixed:

  • Side effects with zooming / panning the map.
  • AccessViolationException that occurs when initial Visibility of the map shape is Collapsed.
  • Adding InformationLayer instance in runtime after map initialization is already completed.
  • ColorMeasureScale “Count” mode not working properly in specific scenarios.
  • InformationLayer.GetItemsInLocation(…) method returned incorrect result in specific scenarios.
  • Memory leaks in specific scenarios.
  • Issue with negative screen coordinates in specific scenarios.
  • Default HotSpot location and HotSpot calculations in specific scenarios.
  • Processing of BingSearchService.Circle shape.
  • Issue with binding to the RadMap.ZoomLevel property.
  • RadMap crash in integration scenarios with RadWindow.
  • MapShapeReader exception in VS design mode.
  • Performance issues with map tiles download speed.
  • MapShapeReader not working in XBAP mode.
  • RadMap interoperability with WinForms ElementHost.
  • Map hosted in Winforms crashes when form is minimized, and then reopened.
  • Shapefile can now be read from a network location.


What’s Fixed:

  • Issue with setting ItemsSource property to null.
  • Issue with empty point behavior.
  • Crash when using normal range with bottom and top points outside range.
  • LinearSparkLine not displaying properly when only 2 points available.
  • Column and WinLoss sparklines not displaying properly when only 1 point available.
  • Expression Blend crash.
  • Fixed: Issue when changing indicator colors.
  • Layout cycle detected in live data scenario.


What’s Fixed:

  • Crash in VS design time and Expression Blend.


What’s New:

  • Added: DataPagerPresenter.PageSize property to allow TemplateBinding to RadDataPager.PageSize property.
  • Added: DataPagerPresenter.ItemCount property to allow TemplateBinding to RadDataPager.ItemCount property.

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: DataPagerTextBox does not change IsEnabled when the corresponding CanExecuteChanged is fired.


What’s New:

  • FilterOperatorsLoading event is now fired on a member change even if the new member is of the same type.


What’s Fixed:

  • Gauge control changed support different cultures for different gauges on the same xaml page.
  • NumericPosition template opacity is now bound to the control property.


What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: ColorPicker example displays wrong colors.
  • Fixed: The slider is misplaced when its width is set.


What’s Fixed:

  • Changing the Style/Template selector doesn't update the style/template of the calendar.


What’s New:

  • Added: AutoDrag attached property allowing starting drag, assigning payload and generating visual cue as screenshot of the dragged element without attaching to DragQuery or DragInfo.
  • Added: DragDropOptions. CurrentCursor property allowing defining custom cursor while drag operation is performed.
  • Fixed: issue with Native DnD - opening Message Box on drop complete cause calling DropComplete to be raised twice.
  • Added: Speed up showing and positioning the Drag Cue in Native mode. Use one window host to perform drag drop operations and cache it.

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: Dragcueoffset is now reset when drag operations completes.
  • Fixed: D&D autobring into view now works when EnableNativeDrag=”false”.
  • Fixed: D&D manager now starts drag when source is TextBlock.
  • Fixed: Issue with e.options.source is now set correctly when draggable items are nested.
  • Fixed issue with Native DnD: Opening Message Box on drop complete cause calling DropComplete to be raised twice.
  • Fixed issue with Native DnD: Resolved Exception when dragged target is not visible.


What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: Cannot be data bound.

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