March 11, 2009
New Controls:
RadMaskedTextBox - Telerik MaskedTextBox allows you to enter text, numbers and dates that conform to a given mask. The MaskedTextBox accepts string and numeric data in various customizable formats and provides cross-culture support. The above example shows all the pre-defined masks and formats Telerik MaskedTextBox supports.
RadGridView - the Q1 release featuers lots of major improvements in RadGridView for WPF:
RadialScale.IsLabelRotated property is now enumeration property (LabelRotationMode enumeration) instead of boolean property. The enumeration values are as follows:
None – works like IsLabelRotated == false in previous version
Automatic – works like IsLabelRotated == true in previous version
SurroundIn – labels surround radial scale with character’s base line is directed towards the center of the scale
SurroundOut – labels surround radial scale with character’s base line is directed backwards the center of the scale
The IndicatorList, RangeList and TickList containers must be used instead of Indicators, Ranges and Ticks properties of a gauge scale. Note that rendering of their objects will be performed according to actual placement in XAML (with previous version it was possible to place ranges after indicators but indicators were placed on top -- currently IndicatorList should be placed last in the scale container)
Types of Indicators, Ranges, Ticks, and Labels properties have been changed to ItemCollection (according to the changes in container classes). If you are accessing collection element then it has object type and should be converted to appropriate type. In previous version each element of the list was strong typed (for example Indicators contained IndicatorBase objects) but currently it should be converted to indicator specific type or to IGaugeIndicator interface
Numeric Indicator - The NumberPositions property returns the Items property of the Numeric Indicator. If you get a number position from the NumberPositions collection via index then it has object type and should be converted to NumberPosition type
Number positions do not have own template list for characters now (TemplateList property is removed). You need to set the NumericIndicator.TemplatePrefix property instead. RadGauge provide "FontFamily", "SevenSegs" and "HexagonalSevenSegs" templates of characters for numeric indicator. The "FontFamily" prefix is used by default.
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