
Telerik Reporting

Release History

Telerik Reporting Q1 2015 (version

February 24, 2015


  • Added: Subscript and Superscript text support for HTML TextBox, by extending the HTML TextBox tags support with the <sub> and <sup> tags
  • Added: ReportFooter section and GroupFooter sections support PrintAtBottom - The introduced PrintAtBottom property allows controlling the positon on the page of these sections.
  • Improved: Added data bindings to dynamically control values that previously were static. Especially useful for the Graph item, this feature enables to set expressions based on the real-time data for the scale min and max values for instance.
  • Improved: Added new Location Provider for the Map item that works with MapQuest's Open Geocoding API Web Service
  • Improved: Improved wizards UI
  • Fixed: MS SQL storage tables should have more distinctive names
  • Fixed: No proper error message when the REST service implementation does not provide storage implementation

Visual Studio Templates

  • Added: Visual Studio item templates for the report viewer controls - One can now easily start using the report viewer controls with a proper UI allowing the setup of the report viewer control with either a new report, an existing report (both class and trdx definitions are supported), or just a sample report. Such convenient templates are introduced for the HTML5 Report Viewer, the WinForms Report Viewer and the WPF Report Viewer.
  • Added: New Invoice Report Templates - New report template is introduced that simplifies the process of creating invoice reports. It provides four different layouts covering the most common scenarios and leads you in the process of data binding the report.

Report Designers (Visual Studio Integrated & Standalone Report Designer)

  • Fixed: Replace table cell operation should not expand the table/crosstab item
  • Fixed: Style and StyleName are not copied when replacing the content item of a table body/corner sell
  • Fixed: In dialog context data context is lost
  • Fixed: Data Explorer does not list fields on adding a group
  • Fixed: PictureBox context menu Expression option should open Expression editor
  • Fixed: The Band Report Wizard should keep the default required paddings for TextBox and HtmlTextBox
  • Fixed: The Report Explorer is populated unnecessarily every time when a property changes
  • Fixed: Bindings editor preserves the old binding if only the property path is changed
  • Fixed: Calculated field referencing itself causes an error at run-time
  • Fixed: Expression Editor does not move the cursor at the end of inserted field
  • Fixed: Incorrect filter/style is opened for a conditional formatting rule which is not selected
  • Fixed: Report Wizard templates add items with different units of measure than the system defaults
  • Fixed: Context Menu in the design surface triggered from the keyboard is not handled correctly
  • Fixed: Single quotes within comments in a SQL query cause the SqlDataSource wizard to skip the parameters configuration steps
  • Fixed: Table item's RowHeight / ColumnWidth is always set with the unit of the first row / column
  • Fixed: Table rows / columns cannot be deselected using Ctrl/Shift + click

Visual Studio Report Designer

  • Fixed: Create New Data Source dialog takes too much long time to open
  • Fixed: An appropriate message should be displayed when the user is adding Import/Blank/Report Wizard item template to a project referencing different Telerik Reporting version

Report Processing

  • Fixed: Graph Range Area does not render correctly when Y0 == Y1
  • Fixed: Map tiles and fallback image texts are rendered blurry
  • Fixed: Graph Cartesian LineSeries and AreaSeries are not displayed properly when the LineType is Smooth and the ArrangeMode is Stacked100
  • Fixed: SqlDataSource Wizard Query Builder button should be disabled if data provider is unsupported or an invalid connection string is used
  • Fixed: Graph item PlotAreaStyle.BackgroundImage is not respected
  • Fixed: Abs() built-in expression function does not support all appropriate numeric data type arguments

Rendering Extensions

  • Fixed: Graph item axis labels are not wrapped correctly and overlap in some cases
  • Fixed: RTL text is not displayed properly when justified

Excel Rendering Extension

  • Fixed: TextBox.Angle causes Style.TextAlign and Style.VerticalAlign to swap, and is not translated correctly in Excel formatting angle

Power Point Rendering Extension

  • Fixed: Image object is not disposed appropriately

REST Report Service

  • Improved: REST report service cache now optimizes the report rendering across different service clients
  • Fixed: MS SQL storage tables should have more distinctive names
  • Fixed: No proper error message when the REST service implementation does not provide storage implementation

HTML5 Report Viewer

  • Fixed: Item template should check for Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.WebHost package

ASP.NET MVC Report Viewer

  • Added: Deferred MVC Report Viewer initialization that enables you to suppress the immediate script statement rendering
  • Fixed: The "loading..." message shown before loading the viewer template is misleading and should be removed

Silverlight Report Viewer

  • Fixed: PrintBegin event fires after the Print dialog is displayed
  • Fixed: Initially RenderingEnd is called twice and the report is yet not ready for print

WPF Report Viewer

  • Fixed: The scrollbars are still active with zoom mode Whole page/Page width
  • Fixed: Occasionally the application freezes on a second print operation
  • Fixed: PrintBegin event fires after the Print dialog is displayed
  • The ExportEnd event is now of ExportEndEventHandler delegate
  • The OnExportEnd(ExportEndEventArgs) argument type is changed to ExportEndEventArgs
  • The OnExportEnd method and the ExportEnd event are now invoked prior opening the SaveFileDialog

WinForms Report Viewer

  • Fixed: Occasionally the application freezes on second print operation

Product Dependencies

Telerik Reporting
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4

- Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient ( or later)

HTML5 Report Viewer
- Telerik Kendo UI (2013.2.918 or later) - jQuery (1.9.1 or later)

ASP.NET WebAPI REST Report Service
- Microsoft ASP.NET Web API (4.0.20710.0 or later) - Newtonsoft.Json ( or later)

ServiceStack REST Report Service
- ServiceStack (

ASP.NET MVC Extension of the HTML5 Report Viewer
- Microsoft ASP.NET MVC Framework (4.0.20710.0 or later)

WPF Report Viewer
- Telerik UI Controls for WPF (2015.1.225.40)

Silverlight Report Viewer
- Telerik UI Controls for Silverlight (2015.1.225.1050)

Database cache ICache implementation
- Telerik Data Access ORM (2015.1.220.1)

Telerik Reporting

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