
Telerik Reporting

Release History

Reporting Q1 2007SP1

May 31, 2007

Telerik Reporting Q1 2007 SP1 (v1.1.0.0)

  1. Fixed several problems with the installation process on 32bit and 64bit Windows OS machines
  2. Fixed several issues with the Report.DataSource editor and Connect Data Source Wizard to support all data providers
  3. Fixed an issue with event-handling in VB examples
  4. Fixed a minor problem in PDF rendering
  5. Added TextBox.Multiline and TextBox.TextWrap
  6. Fixed several problems in the Chart Item - design time and rendering
  7. Fixed several issues and improved the Report designer and previewing at design time
  8. Fixed a number of issues in Image rendering - page breaks, grouping, etc 
  9. Fixed a number of issues with report data processing - grouping, item binding expression evaluation, etc
  10. Fixed a problem in the rendering extension discovery mechanism
  11. Fixed cookieless session for the Web ReportViewer control
  12. Fixed an issue with the Win ReportViewer control

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