
Telerik Reporting

Release History

Reporting 2010.31221

December 21, 2010

What's Fixed in Telerik Reporting Q3 2010 SP1 (v4.2.10.1221)

Report Model

  • Fixed: XML report serialization should be culture agnostic

Visual Studio Report Designer

  • Fixed: Report Wizard does not generate grand totals for report with totals
  • Fixed: Data Explorer does not display a proper message on data schema retrieval error
  • Fixed: Shape item does not render its content at design time
  • Fixed: An error occurs in Sortings/Filters dialogs
  • Fixed: Edit filter/sort dialogs preserve changes to existing expressions even when you select Cancel
  • Fixed: An error occurs when adding a parent/child group to a table group without row/column
  • Fixed: Adding a parent/outer row/column group in a table generates duplicate group names
  • Fixed: An error occurs when deleting Detail table group
  • Fixed: Reporting modal dialogs open on the main monitor instead of the active desktop in multiple monitor setup
  • Fixed: Edit Group Dialog allows incorrect access to the report item of the group.
  • Fixed: When deleting a table row/column from which begins a row/column spanned cell respectively the previously spanned space remains empty
  • Fixed: DataSource fields are visible in the expression dialog for the data source parameters Value.
  • Fixed: The upgrade wizard should remove runtimeVersionv2.0 from the preCondition attribute of the web viewer handler
  • Fixed: SqlDataSource wizard should prefix the stored procedures with their corresponding schema/owner
  • Fixed: Report Wizard does not generate grand totals for report with totals

Data Sources

  • Fixed: OpenAccessDataSource causes an error when previewing the report in the designer
  • Fixed: SqlDataSource should accept both parameter names and parameter markers to maintain backward compatibility.
  • Fixed: OpenAccessDataSource causes an error when previewing the report in the designer

Html Engine

  • Fixed: Block element nested within inline element does not inherit its style properties.


  • Fixed: Table body generation performance.
  • Fixed: Incorrect handling of unnamed groups / data items.
  • Fixed: An error occurs when merged table body cell is partially hidden by filtering out a row/column.
  • Fixed: Incorrect grouping in certain scenarios.
  • Fixed: Incorrect data binding to DataSet/DataTable in certain scenarios.
  • Fixed: Incorrect handling of properties that hide inherited properties from the base class (with the "new" modifier)
  • Fixed: Padding not applied correctly when set through a binding expression on table cell items
  • Fixed: Table body generation performance.


  • Fixed: Incorrect rendering of TextBox items with negative angle


  • Fixed: Html elements with automatic margin/padding (ol, ul, p) do not appear correctly in HTML rendering.
  • Fixed: Html rendering does not use DOCTYPE and the report is always rendered in Quirks mode
  • Fixed: Missing right border/edge of item


  • Fixed: Support for MS Outlook email format


  • Improved: Text quality when rendering PDF documents.
  • Fixed: Barcode and Shape items with a transparent background are changing the colors of other items/sections when rendered in PDF


  • Fixed: Bottom border of shape item is cut off in some cases
  • Fixed: The last text line in a TextBox is not clipped correctly when XAML is rendered in Silverlight.

Report Viewers\ASP.NET

  • Fixed: HttpHandler's registration not detected when <system.webServer> is wrapped within a <location> element.
  • Fixed: In Internet Explorer, DocumentMap does not inherit the BackgroundColor of the ReportViewer
  • Fixed: Nullable master report parameter resets the values of other non cascading parameters you have previously set values to
  • Fixed: Page number is not preserved when navigating through history actions.
  • Fixed: Refresh button is not enabled when the viewer is in error state

Report Viewer for Silverlight

  • Fixed: Parameters area is not shown when a visible mandatory parameter does not have initial Value set.
  • Fixed: Silverlight Viewer doesn't respect TextBox CanGrow False
  • Fixed: Redundant calls to ListRenderingExtentsions method of the ReportService

Report Viewer for WPF

  • Fixed: An error occurs when printing Report Book from the WPF report viewer.
  • Fixed: Images stored in windows temp folder are never disposed even after closing application
  • Fixed: Strikeout (strikethrough) text decoration is not supported for the WPF Report Viewer
  • Fixed: The Loading Page splash image can't change it's state, if you navigate to the last page while the viewer is retrieving pages.


  • Fixed: Merging Telerik Reporting Engine / WinViewer assemblies in client applications does not result in runnable application in some cases

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