
Telerik Reporting

Release History

Reporting 2009.2807

August 6, 2009

What's Fixed in Telerik Reporting 2009.2 SP1:

- Added support for hyperlinks (<a /> tag) for the HtmlTextBox item
- Added support for Medium Trust
- Docked top SubReport items are overlapped
- Table item with more than 5000 rows has poor performance
- Invisible TextBox/CheckBox item with Dock/Anchor applied crashes the report in some cases
- Expression "=PageCount.ToString()" returns wrong result: "0"
- Processing PageHeader/Footer are instantiated before the Report.NeedDataSource event which is inconsistent with the rest report items.
- HtmlTextBox: Incorrect layout the html elements causes gaps or overlaps items
- ReportParameters' DataSource with nullable fields raises an exception
- ComboBox ReportParameter editor shows <select a value> item even when it is not necessary
- Multivalue parameters UI initialization is too slow

- PageBreaks for subreports are not respected
- Table item which spreads on several pages clips a part of the first row on some of them

- Added support for the Table item

- ReportBook export to Excel should preserve reports' DocumentNames

- Vertical gap appears at the top of a List report item in FireFox 3.5

Visual Studio Report Designer:
- Multiple selection in Report Explorer
- Crosstab/Table Wizard creates unusable item if Finish button is pressed in the first two wizard pages
- Drag&drop from the Data Explorer to an already defined group in a crosstab should preserve the style
- Table: An error occurs when dropping a data field onto a cell in the Table's body when the table has no row header
- Table: Inserting adjacent groups doesn't respect the corresponding row/column size thus creating more rows/columns
- Table: layout broken after inserting a column through a cell with column span in the row header
- Expression builder: displays the property hierarchies like the data explorer
- Report Wizard: displays the property hierarchies like the data explorer
- Multiple selection in Report Explorer
- Report Wizard: In "Save connectionString" step the Next button is not enabled when entering characters for the name (initially empty)
- Format Builder does not show the correct options (right) according to the selected category (left)
- Improved user experience in the Table/Crosstab wizard: added support for multiple selection and double-click in the treeview
- The style sheet presets of the Table/Crosstab wizard should use more strict style rules
- Right anchored item moves in designer when the designer is closed and re-opened
- HtmlEditor does not return valid Xhtml in some cases

WebForms Report Viewer:
- Incorrect height when using a DOCTYPE in IE 6
- Added RefreshReport method which clears the cache and forces the viewer to render the report again.

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