
Telerik Reporting

Release History

Reporting 1.0 Beta2CTP2

December 21, 2006

Telerik Reporting v1 CTP2 Release notes:

  1. Improved cascading styles
  2. Added CSS-like stylesheets that represent a set of global styles, which are applied to report items that match a given pattern:
    • Matches item's type (TypeSelector)
    • Matches item's property value (AttributeSelector)
    • Matches ReportItemBase.StyleName (StyleSelector)
    • Matches item's relationship with other items in the hierarchy  (DescendantSelector)
  3. Export to PDF.
  4. The following events have been added:
    • ReportItemBase.ItemDataBinding - fired before the item is databound
    • ReportItemBase.ItemDataBound - fired after the item is databound
    • ReportItemBase.PreRender - fired before the item is rendered
    • Report.NewPage - fired when a new page begins rendering (valid only for rendering formats that support paging - PDF/Image/HTML)
  5. Design-time improvements:
    • Data Explorer ToolWindow
    • Report Explorer ToolWindow
    • Improved WebViewer design-time support
  6. Added 2 new examples.
  7. Fixed various installation problems

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