
Telerik Reporting

Release History

Progress® Telerik® Reporting R3 2023 (

October 11, 2023

GDI-independent graphics engine

  • In R3 2023 we introduce a new graphics engine implementation, based on SkiaSharp library. This feat allows truly cross-platform deployment of Telerik Reporting applications, targeting .NET 6 and later framework versions. The users can set the preferred graphics engine in application configuration file, thus using SkiaSharp engine in both Linux and Windows environments. This release brings SkiaSharp-based rendering to web report viewers and PDF export format, and the rest are soon to follow.

Native Angular report viewer

  • The Native Angular Report Viewer seamlessly integrates into Angular applications, providing a user-friendly interface for embedding, viewing and interacting with reports. The viewer is built entirely with controls from Kendo UI for Angular toolset, providing consistent look and feel across various devices. The native Angular viewer requires a valid license for Kendo UI for Angular or Telerik DevCraft bundle.

Enhance the customization capabilities of Web Report Designer

  • Web Report Designer now provides API for hiding menu items, report components, data sources, and Assets Manager elements. The developers that integrate Web Report Designer in their applications have a detailed list of permissions that deny the usage of specific functionalities. Additionally, the Web Report Designer widget now exposes events to subscribe to, allowing for custom implementation of error and notification handling.

Gauge item wizards in Web Report Designer

  • Now the Gauge items can be configured effortlessly using the new Wizard panes. The user-friendly interface streamlines the design and setup process, allowing the users to create complex Radial or Linear gauges in a few mouse clicks.

Added align support to the image in a PictureBox item

  • The addition of align support to the image within a PictureBox Item boosts the design and layout flexibility. This feature allows report authors to precisely control the alignment of images like logos within the PictureBox, ensuring that the visual presentation meets specific report design requirements.

What's Improved

  • You can now add multiple emails in the CC field in SendMail Dialog of Blazor Native Report Viewer
  • PictureBox item uses DrawingML instead of VML in OpenXML rendering extensions
  • The exposed parameter collection in HTML5-based report viewers now contains extended information
  • The evaluated Service URL of WebServiceDataSource component is now output in the trace log
  • PDF rendering now sets a default Title to the document
  • The Excel export options now include 'FormulaPrefix' option that allows escaping cell values that start with a formula identifier

What's Changed

  • Button images in Native Blazor Report Viewer's toolbar are now SVG icons
  • Assemblies and example projects targeting .NET Core 3.1 are no longer distributed.
  • TRDX, TRDP, and TRBP files created by Web Report Designer and Standalone Report Designers now use schema version
  • Native Blazor Viewer reference to Telerik UI for Blazor is updated to 4.4.0

Visual Studio Designer

  • Visual Studio Toolbox does not contain all available wizards

Web Designer

  • The LinearGauge item is rendered clipped on the design surface if the item's padding is set
  • Expandable editors are not expanded when clicking on their labels in the Properties area
  • The outline of the Shape item is rendered when the LineWidth property has its value set to 0
  • Cannot close Asset Manager when no report is loaded on the design surface
  • SubReport, Barcode, and Panel items don't have default text displayed when added to the design surface


  • The deployed MSVCR.dll used for Map item's cache, is not the latest available version
  • LinearGauge's first and last two labels overlap if the first label visible value is not 0 and RenderingType is MoveInsideBounds

Excel Rendering

  • Loss of image quality when exporting to XLS or XLSX

PDF Rendering

  • An error with text "Error while parsing the PDF Document (Operator 'S' not allowed in this current state.)" is shown when EnableAccessibility is set to 'true'
  • Warning "Irregular table row" is displayed for table with merged cells when EnableAccessibility is set to 'true'
  • Rendering an SVG item may produce duplicated graphical artifacts

PowerPoint Rendering

  • When exporting to PowerPoint, the 'Normal' and 'AutoSize' Sizing options in PictureBox item do not work as expected.

XAML Rendering

  • XAML rendering formats do not respect fonts with transparent color

Native Blazor Report Viewer

  • "Error: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException" is shown in the console when hovering over tooltip without text
  • Cannot send email after modifying CC field and leaving it empty afterwards
  • Command text is not present in the mobile toolbar menu
  • Authentication token property cannot be set
  • Evaluated report parameters are not exposed.

Web Forms HTML5 Report Viewer

  • Evaluated report parameters are not exposed.

Visual Studio Project Templates

  • REST service project template targeting .NET7 or .NET8 is not using top-level statements

Product Dependencies

Telerik Reporting
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4
- .NET Standard 2.0
- .NET 6
- .NET 7

- Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient ( or later)

HTML5 Report Viewer
- Telerik Kendo UI (2022.3.913 or later)
- jQuery (1.9.1 or higher if required by Kendo)

ASP.NET WebAPI REST Report Service
- Microsoft ASP.NET Web API (4.0.20710.0 or later) - Newtonsoft.Json (13.0.1 or later)

ServiceStack REST Report Service
- ServiceStack (

ASP.NET MVC Extension of the HTML5 Report Viewer
- Microsoft ASP.NET MVC Framework (4.0.20710.0 or later)

Native Angular Report Viewer
- Kendo UI for Angular (13.2.0)

Native Blazor Report Viewer
- Telerik UI for Blazor (4.4.0)

WinUI Report Viewer
- Telerik UI Controls for WinUI (2.8.0)

WPF Report Viewer for .NET 7
- Telerik UI Controls for WPF (2023.3.1010.70) targeting .NET 7

WPF Report Viewer for .NET 6
- Telerik UI Controls for WPF (2023.3.1010.60) targeting .NET 6

WPF Report Viewer for .NET Framework
- Telerik UI Controls for WPF (2023.3.1010.40)

Database cache ICache implementation
- Telerik Data Access ORM (2015.1.220.1)

.NET Core Reporting Engine
- SQLite (3.38.0)

Telerik Reporting

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