
Telerik Reporting

Release History

Progress® Telerik® Reporting R2 2023 (

June 7, 2023

.NET 8 Preview 4 support for desktop viewers and REST service

  • Added support and dedicated example solution for .NET 8 Preview 4. Now the Reporting REST Service, and WinForms and WPF report viewers can be used in projects that target the latest available preview of the .NET 8 framework.

Introducing a new report item - Radial Gauge

  • The newest report item in the toolbox, Radial Gauge, can be used to represent a single measure over a domain of numerical values. The rich stylization capabilities and comprehensive API allow making your data presentations even more impressive.

What's Improved

  • Standalone Report Designer for .NET now supports Query Builder.
  • JsonSerializerSettings in the ReportDesignerControllerBase class are now enforced.
  • The Preview page of WebServiceDataSource wizard now shows a load indicator while fetching data.
  • PDF accessibility now supports structure tree. PDF/A-1a is now supported and PDF/UA support is improved.
  • WPF Report Viewer now supports Compact mode for its Windows 11 themes.

What's Changed

  • TRDX, TRDP and TRBP files created by Web Report Designer and Standalone Report Designers now use schema version
  • HTML5 Angular Report Viewer now requires Angular 13 in order to meet the requirements of Ivy rendering engine.

Crystal Reports Converter

  • Conversion log does not provide detailed information about Group processing.
  • Formula fields are not correctly processed.
  • Transparent color is incorrectly converted to a white color.

Desktop Designers

  • The Parameter Name editor in Runtime Settings does not trim its manually entered contents.

Visual Studio Designer

  • The property DataSource Reference of SharedDataSource component is not expandable in Properties grid.

Web Designer

  • Console error "TypeError: this.sharedDataSourcesStorageService.GetModel is not a function" when viewing details in Assets Manager for Shared Data Source and demo mode is enabled.
  • Shared Data Sources and Resources folders can be deleted if they are shown under Reports folder when FileStorage is used.
  • ActionEditor is not populated in Groups collections for Graph and Map items.
  • Context menus are not visualized in line chart and crosstab wizards when using a version of KendoUI >= 2023.1.314.
  • Context menus are not shown for Explorer items and Table item handles when using a version of KendoUI >= 2023.1.314.
  • Context menus in Assets Manager are not shown the first time when using a version of KendoUI >= 2023.1.314.
  • Expression Editor shows "undefined" for DataSource Fields when selected for a second time.
  • The padding and selected item highlighting are not applied to functions in Expression editor.
  • The splitter in Sass themes generates redundant artifacts when using a version of KendoUI >= 2023.1.314.
  • The values in editors that show enumeration members are ordered alphabetically instead of following a logical order.


  • The PageCount is not correct when ToC items get hidden.


  • Graph's MergedDataPoints feature generates incorrect legend item value when using JSON-based data sources.


  • TocText, DocumentMapText, and BookmarId properties on Table item cannot be set using Bindings.

CSV Rendering

  • CSV Export of a Graph with multiple Line Series and a Category Scale throws an error.

HTML Rendering

  • Choropleth does not display correctly in Firefox.


  • Obscure message is shown in .NET 6+ applications when the application runs in InvariantGlobalization mode.

Native Blazor Report Viewer

  • Pages rendered in Print Preview mode have only top and left border.
  • Printed or exported report document differs from the one shown in Print Preview mode.
  • Redundant dependency to Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web is present in Telerik.ReportViewer.BlazorNative.nupkg.
  • The document rendered in Print Preview mode does not reflect the changes applied in Interactive mode.

HTML5 Report Viewer

  • HTML5 Viewer's tooltips flicker on hover when using a version of KendoUI >= 2023.1.314.
  • The menu captions are not correctly generated under mobile resolutions in Sass themes when using a version of KendoUI >= 2023.1.314.

Visual Studio Item Templates

  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown when adding Native Blazor viewer to Blazor Server or Blazor Wasm Empty project targeting .NET8 Preview.

Visual Studio Project Templates

  • CSharp and VisualBasic REST Service project templates for .NET Framework add obsolete types in ReportsController class.

Product Dependencies

Telerik Reporting
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4
- .NET Standard 2.0
- .NET Core 3.1
- .NET 6
- .NET 7

- Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient ( or later)

HTML5 Report Viewer
- Telerik Kendo UI (2022.3.913 or later)
- jQuery (1.9.1 or higher if required by Kendo)

ASP.NET WebAPI REST Report Service
- Microsoft ASP.NET Web API (4.0.20710.0 or later) - Newtonsoft.Json (13.0.1 or later)

ServiceStack REST Report Service
- ServiceStack (

ASP.NET MVC Extension of the HTML5 Report Viewer
- Microsoft ASP.NET MVC Framework (4.0.20710.0 or later)

Native Blazor Report Viewer
- Telerik UI for Blazor (4.0.1)

WinUI Report Viewer
- Telerik UI Controls for WinUI (2.6.0)

WPF Report Viewer for .NET 7
- Telerik UI Controls for WPF (2023.2.606.70) targeting .NET 7

WPF Report Viewer for .NET 6
- Telerik UI Controls for WPF (2023.2.606.60) targeting .NET 6

WPF Report Viewer for .NET Core
- Telerik UI Controls for WPF (2023.2.606.310) targeting .NET Core 3.1

WPF Report Viewer for .NET Framework
- Telerik UI Controls for WPF (2023.2.606.40)

Database cache ICache implementation
- Telerik Data Access ORM (2015.1.220.1)

.NET Core Reporting Engine
- SQLitePCLRaw.bundle_green (2.0.4)

Telerik Reporting

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