
Telerik Reporting

Release History

Progress® Telerik® Reporting 2024 Q4 (

November 13, 2024

Support .NET 9 Official

  • Telerik Reporting adds support for .NET 9 for Reporting engine, REST Services, and Standalone Report Designer for .NET.

Enhanced tooling for managing extensibility assemblies in Standalone Report Designers

  • Both Standalone Report Designers provide UI to manage the extensibility assemblies used for data-binding and user functions. Now custom assemblies can be loaded in the designer without manually modifying the configuration files and restarting the application.

Simplified integration of Report Viewer REST service into ASP.NET Core applications

  • The configuration of Report Viewer REST Service into ASP.NET Core applications now takes just two lines of code. See the examples in our demo applications for .NET 6, .NET 8, and .NET 9.

User-invoked initial report preview

  • The report definition now has a new AutoRun property, allowing to prevent the loading of long-running reports until the report parameters are configured. This functionality is accessible in all HTML5-based report viewers, desktop report viewers, and Preview panels in Standalone Report Designer applications.

What's Improved

  • PictureBox item now allows showing stylized explanatory text when the Image property cannot be initialized.
  • Standalone Report Designer tabs/reports now can be closed using the mouse middle click.
  • Standalone Report Designer for .NET now renders RTL text correctly in preview using Skia rendering engine.
  • Improved support for Right-To-Left text rendering in PDF format using Skia rendering engine.

What's Changed

  • The ASP.NET WebForms Report Viewer is no longer distributed with Telerik Reporting. We advise using its successor - the HTML5 ASP.NET WebForms Report Viewer.
  • Native Blazor Viewer reference to Telerik UI for Blazor is updated to 6.2.0.
  • .NET 7 is no longer supported. All .NET 7-related assets are no longer distributed. We advise using the .NET 8 and .NET 9 assets instead.
  • ASP.NET MVC Core implementation of Reporting REST Service for .NET Framework is no longer distributed.


  • New assembly references are not respected when added through ReportProcessor's IConfiguration instance.

Sql Data Source

  • Accessing stored procedures in a MySql database throws exception "Mysql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand cannot be converted to type System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand".

Standalone Report Designer

  • Report Explorer window is not updated when adding a Parameter or a new Style Rule.
  • Loading a ReportBook report in Standalone Report Designer shows error "The type "Telerik.Reporting.UserReportBook" cannot be loaded".

Web Designer

  • SQL Data Source Wizard breaks when the database connection string contains '%' characters.
  • HTMLTextBox editor does not show localized strings.
  • SqlDataSource Wizard does not fetch the connection information securely.
  • Mac's Command key for multiple selection of report items is not supported.
  • OK button text is spelled with small k.


  • Telerik.Reporting NuGet package has a redundant dependency to ResXResourceReader.NetStandard package.


  • The Uri Utility function is not recognized in runtime.
  • ReportProcessor does not respect the IConfiguration sent through its constructor.


  • The exception "Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute." is thrown occasionally when rendering report using multiple threads.

OpenXML Rendering

  • OpenXML rendering extensions render graphics in EMF format without checking if it is supported by the current platform.

PDF Rendering

  • "System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added" exception is thrown when rendering to PDF with enabled accessibility and repeating bookmark actions.
  • "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." exception is thrown when Accessibility is enabled for PDF rendering in a report with HtmlTextBox in Table.
  • Some Emoji characters are not displayed correctly when exporting to PDF using Skia Graphics Engine.


  • Setting ReportServiceConfiguration.ClientSessionTimeout to a value larger than 2147483 sends redundant KeepClientAlive requests to the service.

Native Angular Report Viewer

  • Boolean parameter with value False is treated as invalid when the Preview button is clicked.

Native Blazor Report Viewer

  • Incorrect error message "Unable to get report parameters" is shown when the ReportSource property is not set.

Web Forms HTML5 Report Viewer

  • The PersistSession property of the HTML5 WebForms Report Viewer is set to True by default.

Product Dependencies

Telerik Reporting
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2
- .NET Standard 2.0
- .NET 6
- .NET 8
- .NET 9

- Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient ( or later)

HTML5 Report Viewer
- Telerik Kendo UI (2022.3.913 or later)
- jQuery (1.9.1 or higher if required by Kendo)

ASP.NET WebAPI REST Report Service
- Microsoft ASP.NET Web API (5.3.0 or later) - Newtonsoft.Json (13.0.1 or later)

ServiceStack REST Report Service
- ServiceStack (

ASP.NET MVC Extension of the HTML5 Report Viewer
- Microsoft ASP.NET MVC Framework (4.0.20710.0 or later)

Native Angular Report Viewer
- Kendo UI for Angular (16.1.*)

Native Blazor Report Viewer
- Telerik UI for Blazor (6.2.0)

WinUI Report Viewer
- Telerik UI Controls for WinUI (2.11.1)

WPF Report Viewer for .NET 6
- Telerik UI Controls for WPF (2024.4.1111.60) targeting .NET 6

WPF Report Viewer for .NET 8
- Telerik UI Controls for WPF (2024.4.1111.80) targeting .NET 8

WPF Report Viewer for .NET Framework
- Telerik UI Controls for WPF (2024.4.1111.462)

Database cache ICache implementation
- Telerik Data Access ORM (2015.1.225.1)

.NET Core Reporting Engine
- SQLite (3.38.0)

Redis implementation of Reporting REST Service cache
- StackExchange.Redis (2.8.16 or greater)

Telerik Reporting

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