Telerik Report Server Q3 2015 (version
September 29, 2015
Report Scheduling – Schedule tasks to automate your reports generation processes and choose at what time to run them daily, weekly, monthly, yearly or just once. The generated reports will be stored in the Report Server storage in the document format you selected, such as PDF, Word Document, Excel Worksheet, Image, CSV, and more. The report can be distributed via email to unlimited number of recipients, both Report Server users and external ones. In the next version we will provide functionality for setting parameters to the scheduled tasks and customizing the email template.
AD FS Authentication Provider – You can now enable AD FS Authentication provider, such as AD for Windows Domain and Azure AD, to allow the Report Server users in your company to use their Active Directory credentials to log in. Only users that are added in the User Management module can access the Report Server web client, based on the permissions you granted.
Fixed: Reports preview in Firefox Web Browser
Fixed: Various UI glitches
Installation Notes
If you are upgrading from the previous Report Server version and have changed the default storage location, you will have to set it again in the Setup storage startup page. This is a single upgrade step and will not be required for the future upgrades.