Progress® Telerik® Report Server R1 2022 (
January 19, 2022
Web Report Designer has a new assets manager
A new assets manager is now accessible from the main menu and corresponding property editors. It utilizes the Report Server storage to upload, download and select file resources such as CSV, JSON, images and XML external styles, and use them as shared assets in reports.
Web Report Designer supports ReportBook reports
Now the Web Report Designer makes it possible to create or edit ReportBook reports, reorder the referenced reports and configure their parameters and ToC settings.
Snap lines support on Web Report Designer design surface
Web Report Designer now has snap lines - linear visual cues that aid the positioning and sizing the items on the design surface.
What's Improved
Custom assemblies are now consistently resolved in User and Aggregate functions and in ObjectDataSource
Web Designer
InstanceType editor's reset is overlapped when editor's value is longer
The items in the Snapping section of Workspace Preferences panel have incorrect vertical spacing
Potentially unsanitized input flows into HTML where it can be used to dynamically construct the HTML page on client side
Search action is canceled when Enter key is pressed