Report Preview Cancelling in Telerik Report Server
Often the report creation ends up with extensive reports, which require significant amount of rendering time. With R3 2020, Report Server introduces an option to cancel the particular report generation to spare server resources for other requests.
New Features in Web Report Designer in Telerik Report Server
Web Report Designer, featuring an easy to use environment, is the later addition to the designer options for the Report Server. Its rearranged and improved layout of the tool windows, properties area and wizards provide fast and effective report authoring process that outputs declarative report definitions stored directly on the server.
SVG Images Support in Telerik Report Server
With the latest release for 2020, the developers and report creators will be able to render not only bitmap (raster) images using a PictureBox item, but also SVG (vector) images. SVG images support in Telerik Reporting enables avoiding pixelized look when previewing reports even when zoomed. The vector output is also preserved in all exported document formats that support it like DOCX, HTML5, etc.