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RadEditor does not allow manual resize since the resize handle is hidden


ProductRadEditor for ASP.NET AJAX


The resize handle gets hidden when EditModes is set to Design in Classic render mode. See how to activate it and solve the issue.


There are two approaches to allow the resizing:

  • Set the RenderMode to Lightweight and the resize handler will appear when the EditModes property is set to Design.
  • or Keep the RenderMode to Classic, but not set the EditModes. Instead of this hide the Design, Html and Preview buttons with a CSS class:
<telerik:RadEditor ID="redQuestion" runat="server" EditModes="Design" Skin="Bootstrap" Width="100%" Height="350px" RenderMode="Classic" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderColor="Black" BorderWidth="1" />
.reEditorModes {
    display: none;
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