RadPivotGrid templates are instantiated within the row header, column header and data cells.Due to the nature of the control, the usual Eval / DataBinder.Eval approach for extracting the value won’t work. Instead, one could use the Container.DataItem property to get hold of the underlying cell value.
<telerik:PivotGridAggregateField DataField="Expenses">
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Style="color: #aaa">
<%# Container.DataItem %>
ColumnField templates
CellTemplate-this template is instantiated in the column header cells.
TotalHeaderCellTemplate-instantiated in the column total cells.
RowField templates
CellTemplate-this template is instantiated in the row header cells.
TotalHeaderCellTemplate-instantiated in the row total cells.
AggregateField templates
CellTemplate- this template will be instantiated in the data cells.
HeaderCellTemplate- depending on the current aggregate position this template.
RowTotalCellTemplate- will be instantiated in the data cells which belong to the row totals.
ColumnTotalCellTemplate- will be instantiated in the data cells which belong to the column totals.
RowAndColumnTotalCellTemplate- this template will be instantiated in the cell where the row and column totals intersect.
RowGrandTotalCellTemplate– instantiated in the data cells which belong to the grand total row.
ColumnGrandTotalCellTemplate– instantiated in the data cells which belong to the grand total column.
RowAndColumnGrandTotalCellTemplate– this template will be instantiated in the cell where the row and column grand totals intersect.
RowGrandTotalHeaderCellTemplate– instantiated in the header of the grand total row.
ColumnGrandTotalHeaderCellTemplate– instantiated in the header of the grand total column .
Sample representations.
The images below presents the different templates instantiation:
CoulmnField CellTemplate, RowField CellTemplate and RowField TotalHeaderCellTemplate are presented in the screenshot bellow:
RowTotalCellTemplate,CellTemplate and HeaderCellTemplate for the AggregateField are demonstrated in the screenshot bellow:
CoulmnField TotalHeaderCellTemplate, AggregateField ColumnTotalCellTemplate and AggregateField RowAndColumnTotalCellTemplate are presented in the screenshot bellow:
ColumnGrandTotalCellTemplate ,RowAndColumnGrandTotalCellTemplate and RowGrandTotalCellTemplatefor the AggregateField are demonstrated in the screenshot bellow: